How To Prepare Beet Juice | Juicernet (2024)

Melissa DelMastro

How To Prepare Beet Juice | Juicernet (1)

Beets are one of the most underestimated veggies, and few people eat as much of these healthy roots as they should. Beetroots are related to spinach and chard and have been cultivated and used for their medicinal properties since Roman times. Beetroot is a very powerful detoxifying vegetable, but it is often better to combine it with other vegetables to soften the detox effect. Learn how to prepare beet juice to give your customers the best results.

Selecting:Although most of us are familiar with the red beetroot, it can also be found in different colors. Besides the familiar red ones, there are also white, orange, and golden beetroots. If those are red beets you are selecting, go for the ones with the most vibrant color.

Avoid selecting beets that look dry or have scratches or cracks on them. Look for the smooth beetroots with a round shape as they are often sweeter. Smaller beets tend to have more flavor so avoid beets larger than 3 inches in diameter.

Try to get the beets when the greens are still attached. This way you can use the greens in your juice. If the greens are still attached to the beetroots, make sure they have dark and firm leaves with red vines on them.

Storing:Beetroots can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to 3 weeks. You must not wash them before storing as it will reduce the maximum storing time. The green parts of your beets can not last as long as the beetroots. If you wish to use them, store them separately in a plastic bag for only 2 or 3 days.

Juicing:Beet juice is probably the most distinctive juice out there with a rich color and unique taste. Handling beets is a messy job so wear disposable gloves, cover your work surface with wax paper or plastic wrap before you begin. If cutting the beets stains your cutting board or fingers red, use lemon juice to remove the stains.

When it comes to choosing a juicer for making beet juice, theES-700orCP150beats the competition and can easily handle beetroots and beet greens. Although you can juice the beet without the stem and greens but you won’t reap the nutritional content of the entire vegetable.

Learning how to prepare beet juice is actually quite simple to make juice from beetroots. The only thing you really have to think about is whether or not you want to peel your beets before you juice them. The peel of beetroot is perfectly safe to eat and juice, as long as you’ve scrubbed it clean with a brush. Make sure that there isn’t any dirt left on your beets and you’ll be fine. Once you’ve done this, chop the tops off your beets and chop up the rest into small pieces. If using theES-700to juice, you may need to chop the beet in half but no need to chop it up in pieces as the feed chute is 3 inches wide! If the pulp is still fairly wet, you can run it through the chute a second time for more yield. Juicing one beetroot with its stem and leaves yields almost 2 ounces. Learn about the many benefits of juicinghere.

Tip:Drinking large quantities of beet juice may result in an upset stomach. To avoid this, start with a small amount of beet juice, such as 1 ounce, and mix it with other fresh juices. Combination ideas include beetroot with apple, carrot, lime and ginger, beetroot with cucumber and pineapple and beetroot with carrot, celery and garlic.

WARNING – Beet greens contain high levels of oxalate. The substance also occurs in the root, but at lower levels. If you have kidney stones or are on a low-oxalate diet, you should avoid over-consumption of beetroots.

After drinking beet juice, you may experience a harmless condition called “beeturia,” where your stool or urine is temporarily colored pink or red. Some mistaken it for blood but if it occurs after drinking beet juice, then it’s very likely the beets.

How To Prepare Beet Juice | Juicernet (2024)


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