Personal Injury Lawyer in North Charleston | Free Consults (2024)

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Personal Injury Lawyer in North Charleston | Free Consults (1)

LEGALLY REVIEWED BY Shelly Leeke October 10, 2022

On This Page

  1. What a Personal Injury Attorney Can Do for You
  2. Personal Injury Filing Deadline in South Carolina
  3. Reach Out to Our North Charleston Personal Injury Attorneys

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If you or someone you love is dealing with losses resulting from a devastating accident in North Charleston, the Shelly Leeke Law Firm can aggressively pursue compensation from the responsible party. As seasoned North Charleston personal injury lawyers, we know how to fight for a financial recovery that will help you recover and move forward with your life.

Whether you were injured in a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall accident, or some other way, our South Carolina personal injury lawyers can help you gather evidence and present your case to the insurance company or the court. Taking legal action doesn’t have to be a hardship. Let us do the work while you focus on healing.

What a Personal Injury Attorney Can Do for You

Our compassionate and skilled attorneys are committed to representing your interests. We aim to handle everything, from filing and following up on your claim to communicating with insurance companies, all while you recover from your accident.

Our process begins when we perform a free review of your case. This evaluation allows us to better understand what took place surrounding the accident, which party or parties may be responsible, and the kinds of losses you can receive.

If we determine that you have a solid case, one of our experienced personal injury attorneys will stand at your side through the entire claims and litigation process.

Gathering Evidence to Establish Negligence

As your qualified attorneys, we will thoroughly investigate your case to identify all liable parties and prove how their actions contributed to your injuries. We’ll gather all available evidence from the accident to understand what occurred during and even leading up to the incident. This evidence may include the following:

  • Photos of the accident site
  • Physical evidence found in the area
  • Law enforcement reports
  • Eyewitness statements

Once we pinpoint how the accident happened, we will need to establish who is responsible for your injuries. Determining liability can be challenging because there can be multiple parties at fault. For example, if the North Charleston Police Department determines that a delivery driver caused an accident while making a delivery, that driver’s employer might be held liable.

While the driver is partially responsible, so is the delivery company in many cases. Our lawyers do what it takes to investigate each detail of an accident to ensure the contributing parties and their insurers are held financially responsible.

Negotiating With the Insurance Company

Next, our experienced attorneys will go over your expenses and non-monetary losses to add up the compensation you may be owed. We may also consult with your doctors and other healthcare providers to determine your prognosis and the need for future medical treatment. Our aim is to help you recover both physically and financially from this costly ordeal.

In many cases, especially once they see that you have hired a lawyer, the negligent party’s insurance will cover your settlement. Please keep in mind, though, that the other party’s insurer is not on your side. Insurance companies will inevitably try to reduce your settlement.

Our North Charleston personal injury attorneys understand the tactics and tricks insurance companies use, and we know how to beat them at their own game. Our job is to confront them with evidence demonstrating the value of your case, and we will keep pushing to make sure you receive what is fair.

Getting You Adequate Compensation

If the other party’s insurer refuses to offer a reasonable settlement, we can fight for you in court. This situation is unlikely, but it occasionally happens. If your case ends up in court, you will have peace of mind knowing you have an experienced trial lawyer in your corner.

Medical expenses can quickly add up, and lost income from missed work can put a family into debt. If your injuries leave you permanently impaired, you may also be facing ongoing expenses and a lower paycheck than you were earning before. The good news is that you may be eligible for damages, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Lost wages and reduced earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Property damage
  • Home renovations

If your case goes to trial, your personal injury lawyer will be with you every step of the way. We will make sure your case is well-represented in court, and we’ll do everything possible to assist you in recovering full compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Personal Injury Lawyer in North Charleston | Free Consults (2)

The experienced attorneys at Shelly Leeke Law Firm are here to answer your questions and protect your legal rights. Get Started

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Personal Injury Filing Deadline in South Carolina

Each state has its own time limit for filing a personal injury lawsuit, so it’s essential to know the laws of the state in which your accident occurred. In South Carolina, the statute of limitations is three years under SC Code of Laws § 15-3-530. Fortunately, this allows you more time than in other states since many have a two-year statute of limitations.

Still, insurance companies have their own deadlines, and there is much to be done in these cases, so it is advisable to get started on a claim as soon as possible after the accident.

The three-year statute of limitations applies to negligence claims as well as intentional tort claims. Negligence is the most common principle used in accident cases because it refers to situations in which one individually unintentionally causes another harm. Intentional tort claims are those claims that involve intentional harm, such as a physical altercation.

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Reach Out to Our North Charleston Personal Injury Attorneys

Personal injury claims allow victims to seek justice for injuries caused by another party’s reckless behavior. Our personal injury lawyers in North Charleston are available to help you negotiate a fair settlement so that you can recover from the accident and get back to everyday life.

Don’t let a greedy insurance company determine your settlement amount. Instead, allow the Shelly Leeke Law Firm to handle your case. We have a proven track record of achieving favorable results for our clients, and we are ready to get to work on your personal injury claim. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Personal Injury Lawyer in North Charleston | Free Consults (2024)


Where is Shelly Leeke from? ›

A native of South Carolina, Ms. Leeke received her Bachelor of Science degree from Wofford College in Spartanburg.

What is the wrongful death lawsuit in Charleston SC? ›

According to South Carolina law, if someone dies due to “the wrongful act, neglect, or default of another,” the deceased's family or estate may have a wrongful death claim against that negligent person. Even though their actions caused the death, a wrongful death case is a civil case, not a criminal one.

Can you sue for wrongful termination in South Carolina? ›

A South Carolina Attorney Can File a Lawsuit for Any Type of Wrongful Termination. Wrongful termination is generally divided into several types, each with its own reasons and motivations.

How are wrongful death settlements paid out in South Carolina? ›

South Carolina Code of Laws dictates how money is divided among beneficiaries. The surviving spouse would receive half of the money, and the other half would go to the victim's children equally. If the victim died without children, the spouse would receive the entire award.

What is the highest wrongful death settlement? ›

The highest wrongful death settlement was $160 million.

How are wrongful death settlements distributed? ›

In a wrongful death claim, surviving loved ones generally receive any settlement money won. This could be a spouse, domestic partner, children, grandchildren or others who were dependent on the decedent for support. The courts may divide a settlement award among multiple surviving loved ones, if necessary.

What is South Carolina's wrongful death law? ›

South Carolina law allows for a wrongful death suit to be prosecuted where a person's death was caused by the wrongful act, neglect or fault of another. The wrongful death action can proceed as if the deceased person had survived.

What is the difference between wrongful death and survival action in South Carolina? ›

A survival action is a different type of legal claim. As outlined in Section 15-5-90 of South Carolina's Code of Laws, a survival action relates to damages that the deceased incurred before they died. This is in contrast with a wrongful death lawsuit, where the damages relate to after the family member has passed away.

What happens to a lawsuit when the defendant dies in South Carolina? ›

section 15-51-10, also permits a “cause of action [to] survive against [the] personal representative… in the event of the death of the wrongdoer.” Section 62-3-703 similarly provides that a personal representative (PR) “has the same standing to sue and be sued… as his decedent had immediately before death.” So, you can ...

What is the purpose of the wrongful death lawsuit? ›

Like a personal injury claim, a wrongful death claim includes damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering the deceased experienced before they died. The difference is that the claim is being filed on behalf of the deceased by either a family member or a representative of the person's estate.


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.