The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

31 ARTICLES SAll 33 ART'CUS tot SAU 31 A WCUS for SAU (Cont'd (torn procedine; 32 BOATS, Morore Equipment 31 ARTICLES for SAU mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm FREEZER CHEST TYPE Good condition, $35; GA 3-1 M. 1 (Dxhnba Btnilxitl Phone OA $-441! Classified OA 3 4511 11 Sunday, Dec. 15, 19G3 CLASSIFIED INDEX 33 AUTICLtS for SAU AIRCONDITIONER 11.50C b.t.ii. cat dryer; snow tires $00x14) rttripereltr end leep Irnui ruOS. Pll.

444-1482. LI AN ST" Fans, I plate prate, step and round coffee taole, dresser, rattan iov e. chma eabine'i. 41n shot Targe sewing cabinet, tent, cot, lamps, drapes. Ij i41 w.n.

k. afler 5 wit. days. REWAY OIL HEATER Vented, good condition, reasonable, phone $55-4266. RADIOS TVS, HI-FI, re- Ht that the whole family will ov.

aroe beautiful selection. Bumby Hardware Co, 102 Church IFLE. 22. $25; 12-eauge, triple action shotgun $35; S-shot Pistol, coiieclor's item, golf bag, 4 woods and 4 Irons $35) riding lawn-mower 045; Bulck '55 special $150) 295-3757. EST AURANT EQUIPMENT 65 ru ft stainless steel refrigeretori stainless steal pot sink, and vegetable sink; Jackson dishwasher) orris milk cooler) wyatt cream ispenser; Scotsman flake Ice ma chine; Bakers Pride broiler) 4 rimihle.

5 sinale booths I National cash register; misc. dishes, potsi easonablo) 425-5667) (425-2262 dur ing week). FSTAURANT COUNTER, 13 stools cost $275. sell $75. Includes sink neon sign 241-2979.

-JL- RANGES All Sites, taken In on trade, all completely reconditioned In our own shoo guaranteed. Also 2 dryers, $45 each TV Town, 1229 N. Mills, 241-1597 open 9-9. S- ROASTER westlngnouse, with stand, $25. Phone 444- 4352.

KUG 12x15', cocoa brown, Bioelow, loam ruooer paoi in- erse araperies, I pr. anngue aim gold tweed, play pen; stroller; portacrlb) pfL OA 3-i4VJ REFRIGERATOR, GE, good condi-tion, regular sue $40) official sue ulna Bona table and accessories t'5; cartoo duck boat 4a plywood with arners, IJ5; IT j-mu. RANGE 30" GE, pushbutton, like new, $100, Retngeraror, Dinette set, $25. 210 W. King at, ROCKET KIDDIE RIDS Coin ouerated, lease or saie, new, very reasonable; pn.

zvj-iv. range Electric GE, 4 burner, full oven, extra clean, bargain 4-3162. RCA WHIRLPOOL, deluxe model, portable dishwasher. A-l conginon, Eau Gallia, 262-2233. ROYAL ELECTRIC typewriter 14" platen with standard ribbon and paper carbon ribbon, '41 modal, UOJi private owner) phone 403-1601.

REFRIGERATOR eutomatle wash er, lawn mower, god ours, can 424-30V8. REFRIGERATOR, 13 cu. ft, Phllco. good condition GA CR 7-3153. REFRIGERATOR Hofpolnt 12', $85 GA 2-8944 pur.

Sarouk. 9x12 Oriental nuarter rarai so ira ra oiamuna with wedding band; 1-3 carat soli taire diamond wim a siae oia- monds set in platinum by Winston) call Ml 4-0294. RECORD PLAYER (console) AM- 1-u ivpewfirer nesx. j-arawri dinette set, glass top) divan, blue etc. Rotisserie, jmo Amnersr, RECORD PLAYERS Radios and TVs, out-of-pawn, use Christmas ley away.

Herman's, 27 W. Churcn, since 1971. jt over-stocked with used refrig erators of all sites all have been reconditioned and are euaranteedi must sell to make room tor addi tional trade-ins; TV Town. 1229. N.

Mills, 241-I5V7. open y-y. "REFRIGERATOR 12 CU. FT. Good condition.

Ph. 293-5508. pprpir.FBATOR. Hotpolnt super, eit defrosting, cross-loo freeier, door shelves, Ml 4-8V67 Dceoir.FOATnH. RCA Whirlpool 50 lb fieeer compartment, 2-vr warranty remaining.

$135; 424-7716, ROYALSTANDARD TYPEWRITH tec Did. but aood condition Guaranteed to write. Suitable for hnm nr nrartlre work. From $19 95, Check with George Stuart, 133 East Robinson STORE COUNTER-10', formica top, shelves belowi l-set louvred swinging doors, 18" each, 1-singie swinging door, 30" wide. Call GA 2-8468 or 855-3334.

SHOWCASES 119, all types, display racks, wall cases, cabinets, etc. $50 each. Like-new. Must aell Immediately. See et Mid-State Stor-age aS N.entJtj Orlando.

SHOPSMITH, complete home workshop, tools In 1) regular price $299,50, 4-)f1 at $225) rerfect Christmas eltt lor Dad. ee at Mills li Nebraska Lumber, 1602 N. Mills. STEREO AND HI Fl portables, below wholesale, selling out. CharJIe'SJTV 910WColonlaL SHREDDER $'-Garden tiller 95.

Bothiixe newJjuiiejirv'o, STEREO weocor, poriauia, like new, take best offer, must see end hear to appreciate) 3863 S. Orange Ave.) GA 3-1474. SEWING MACHINE Diol-O-Motie Zig Zog; Dial It, sew It, built-in mokes buttonholes, ttc. $35.40 cosh or toket up 6 poyments of $6. No credit needed.

Coll GA 5-3577, or 1230 E. Colonial. STEREO Light wood con-ni with AM-FM radio, con dition Ilka new, $l00i ph. CY 1-8818. LIVISTOCK 3 Livestock and Supplies 40 Pet S'ock and Supplies 41 Poultry and Supplies MERCHANDISE 31 Articles tor Rent, 32 B-st.

Motors 4s Ftautpment 32- 1 CamrMn Fishing 33 Articles tar Sale 33-1 Muxical Instruments Oo-lt-Yourself 33 3 Prrion to Person 34 Builders Supplies 35 Articles Wanted 30 Furl Oil 4k Wood 37 Fertilisers tt Bolls 38 Plants. Flowers, Seeds 38-1 firm. Equipment- Supplies RENTALS 45 Apartment for Rant 4H Houses for Rent 47 Rooms for Rent 47- 1 Rental Aienta 48 Hotel Rooms 48-1 Resort-Beach Rentals 50 Wanted to Rent REAL ESTATE 51 Rouses for Sale 61-1 Residential Income 51-2 ake-Marlon Property $1-3 Brevard Properly St-4 Osceola Property 51-6 Seminole Property 51-7 Volusia Property 82 Ciroves tor Sale S3 Farms-Acreaie for Bale S3-1 Ranclies-Ttmberland 64 Lots (or Sale 85 Country Property SO Business Property 80-1 Business Rentsls 57 Real Estate Exchsnte 57- 1 Beach, Camp. Resort 58 Real Estate Wanted 19 Out of Bute Property 33 ARTICLES for SALE MAGNAVOX STEREO Theatre at new display model, 1 MR 411, ebony, regular price will sell Frl only $o9. TV Town, rarxwooa riaza, pn.

4V4-SI. "4 MOTOR SCOOTER '54 Lem-bretta, good condition. Reason able. Phone 855-3455. MOTOR SCOOTERS -t- Big savings on new Lambretta 4V scooters.

Compare quality be fore you buy. Come In and see tor yourself. 4.O00 ml. guaranteed with every scooter. Terms; 110 delivers one Jerry 3120 Corrioe GA 3 65U6.

upen in p.m. L- MINK SIOLE B'ealh of Spring Cerulean Star Sapphire, J.00; (value Mink ci.a lacket, naiurai, iM; (value JJ.mmi Certified value. New condition. OA 2-6341. MAGNAVOX STEREO with external speaker, $75) good oe relrlueralor $j5 electric lewn edger, 110; hedge cuiter, aitacnment tor arm.

scrubber attachment tor tieciroiui. IU) lk -uaiij MANIFOLD OHenhauser, 3 car- burelor manifold and accessories for Cnevy V-8. 55 through '63, complete, reasonable) also rol -away bed site; Westlngnouse roaster with base cabinet to match, ptv 2VJ-4V4J or t.T ail. MOTORCYCLE, 194J Yamahai 45UCC, 4.5UU miles, riaiiicretiera 5-85 short wave receiver. Snar drum and stand.

All excellent j-62B J-- MOTO 4COOTEK '62 All die, good cunditim, $125. 39 N. Alder Park. MOl0l.YCLE, less than 600 $135. phone CR 7-4383 or GA 5-S322.

"4 MOTOR SCOOlfcR -brette, good condition, Lam-must see to appreciate, CY 3-5169 -A- MOTOR SCOOTER-'62 All- state, $200. Excellent condition. Call 293-4347. NORGE WASHER Good) 1st $30 takes; ph. 155-4751 ORGAN, Mangus, like new, '5 or trade for deep freeze) Steelman HI fidelity record player, with rec ords, needs needle, $15.

CY 3 5128 PAINT CLEARANCE Harper Paint wallpaper, 1020 S. Orange Ava, mono in I-340J. Pipe Galvanized, copper, and plastic pipe. All titrinas. i-aucet ana toilet repoirs, bring your plumbing problems to Loom Is Hardware, 221S 5.

Orange) GA 2-7766. PHILCO Jdoor. no frost refrloer- ator with 100 lb true freezer. Price only $168 Including delivery and full guarantee. No down payment required with payments as low as $8 per month.

Tyrees, 2122 W. Colon ijj. PING PONG" TABLE, regulation size, heavy duty construction, paddles, nets. Make offer. 644-72u7.

POOL TABLE Brunswick, cost $500, excellent condition, sell for $75. 472-9955. -JL- POOL TABLES (2) slignlTy St used, home size, perfect for Christmas, 293-0814, 423-0677. SUVA DOUBLE LOUNGE, match-Ina chair and Ottoman, nrr. from decorator's shop, 40 pet.

discount; 2 like new side tab'es 110 each; used GE radio and 45 RPM record attachment) 444-7634. Sewing Machines Christmas Specials Automatic Machines SINGER 4- Zlg Zag automatic, does everything, twin needles, etc. Bal ance only $42 24. NbCCHI Sews on buttons, buttonholes, eic. Only $49.99.

NEW HOME World famous duality for 104 yrs. 4ig lag console demonstrator. Buttonholes, monograms, makes de- smns, etc. New guarantee. Was now only $98.

Any of these machines may be purchased for $8 monthly. Call now tor tree home trial. Service Discount. 241 9587. Open evenings until Christmas.

STEREO, tuners, emnllfers, multi plex receivers, control centers; fine music systems. Orlando Elec tronic LabS. 2VJ-174. 4 SINGER ELECTRIC child's machine, regular $24 95, nuw $19.95. Singer Sewing Center, It W.

Pine GA 28112 STEREOPHONIC FM-AM by Amer ica's leading manufacturer. Pour high quality speakers, powerful amplifier and lots of record storage space. Only $167 50. No down payment required. First payment of only $8 due March 1, 1964.

Tyree 2122 W. Colexilel. 4- STAMP COLLECTION Life of Christ and religious, collectors Item. Herman's. 27 W.

Church. Open til 9l STEREO, console, sacrifice) AM- FM, FM stereo radio, record chenger, 4-track, J-speed, stereo tape deck Including jriike, ear phones and slvtreo mixer) calc 295-4143. SETTEE AND CHAIRS WrouJUl iron, outside, s.15. maroie lup hanging console table, SO. 7.

8-3660. SECTIONAL SOFA portable Reminoton-Rand typewriter; 3 rat tan bar stools) child's Formica top desk; 241 2633. SEWING MACHINE SPECIAL, 3 days only service can, ciean-on- adiust S3) new portable cases $7,951 walnut consoles $29.95, new. and used machines $19 95 up, cash or terms. Compact Sewing and Vacuum.

Saies and Service. 5603 E. Colonial ur. Sewing Machines 6 Brand New Zig-Zags Only 549.50, Reg. $129.50 Makes buttonholes, monograms, blind hems, fancy stitches, no at tachments needed; guaranteed.

Free home trials, liberal trade allowance. United Sewing Center, 423- 3783, 711 N. Mills. Open evenings 'til o.m. SAW AND JOINTER, combination; check writer (Paymaster)) 120 bass accordion) GA 2-3851 eves.

SHOES to fit eny human dies to sizes 14 any width) Behr's Shoe Store, 53 W. Church. TYPEWRITER. IBM executive) good condition) clear type) must Sell) Wilil 644-366. TV-MUSTC CENTER, 23' 5 mahogany, AM-FM radio, 4- speed record player.

rttos. old) guaranteed; $175) new portable Thinline TVS In crates, factory guaranteed 1 vr. $99.50 with trade. Frank Jerry's TV, open daily to 8. GA 4-5750.

TV SHOPS. HAMS. ETC. Used test equipment, VTM signal generators, Lampkln FM modulator meters, RF generators, etc. Come and see them al Southern Airways of Fla.

radio shop. Municipal Air port, uriando. -A- TOYS FOR 3ovs and girls, rockers, doll carriages, dishes, roller skates, wagons, footballs, basketballs, boxing gloves many more toys to choose from, Bumby Hardware Co. 102 W. Cnurch.

4. TV's-50 good clean sets, $5 to $30, come early) Discount TV 3801 S. Orange Blsm. Tr. TVs THIS WEEK SPECIAL 20 Sets PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY 14 17 21, ail pencn cneckea; 30 days parts and service; TV pic lure lubes $14.95 (most tubes), new factory guarantee 1 yr.) small I tubes 25c eacn (most tubes); 1-day TV service; terms.

Mr. Used TV, Frank a Jerry's, open dally 9-1, GA 4 TV'S WE'RE PLAYING Santa Claus now, we want our floors cleared wnen the "boss man" leaves for the north Dec 21st. Buy any TV or stereo tin stock) at our actual cost but hurry, supplies definitely limited No money down, 2 vrs, lo pay, no trades needed. Open every njte 'til Sat. 'Ill 4.

Certified TV, 3 Royal Plaza, Maitiand. 4 TAPE RECORDER-VM, has amplifier with 1 speakers lor stereo, all tor $89 50. GA 2-7097. TRAILER FRAME Wheels and electric brakes, make your own camper $50; GA 4-6203. TV USED wide variety and low prices.

Prices start at $19.95. TOWN COUNTRY TV 2804 Corrine Drive GA 4-2417 TRAIN Lionel, 3-complete" sets, table, many extras; cost $300, sell 885) 277-7540. fRAINSET, Lionel freight, gauge, lots of track) Kenmore electric range) fishing tackle) 9' slnkopwilltrade; 444-4789. TV, 21" Phllco, frultwood French Provincial console) sacrifice $85) 1422 Fairvlew, Ardsley Manor. TV 21" RCA, beautiful 2 tone blond console, custom built, like new, sacrifice, $60) zy3-665i).

TV's Used Bargain! Witlerd'8 1 N. Westmoreland Or. TV 10" Zenith portable. Priced at Sao Including 90 day parts and service, and 1 yr. picture tube warranty, will sail on terms with no down payment needed at $7.50 per mo.

Tyrees, 2122 W. Colonial. TV, COLOR, RCA floor model, eueranteed, $175. Frenti Jerry's TV. GA4-5750.

TYPEWRITER Smith Coronal portable electrlci carrying case oood 2133. TAPPAN 30" Electric range, fair condition, reasonable. Phone Ml 7-2605. 4 TV, USED, lata table model Zenith with brand new pic ture tuba guaranteed, $118, terms. Associated Warehouse, GA 2-2514.

TV'S USED Large selection, good condl- own service. Bellow's TV Town, 5313 E. Colonial, 277 8541. 4, TV ZENITH, 21" console, blond finish, original cost $400 will sell $75) GA 4276. TV MAGNAVOX model l-MP-431 remote control.

2 mos. old. Cost $446 Bestoffere4474i8. TOOL BOX And a nice new set of tools will surely halo Dad fix things UP around the house for Mom. Bumby Hardware 102 W.

Church SL Upholstery Our Business Prices reasonable, free estimates, Roy Hough Upholstery. 474-3300. UTILITY trailer, AKC Boston ter-rler, '55 rambler wagon, sell-trade for farm animals 277-2649. VACUUM CLEANERS, Klrby em-onstratorsi also good used vacuum cleaner, all makes $11 up eueranteed) terms i Klrby 1814 Edaewater, 423-1651. WATCHES 17 lewel, name brands, $9 99) I mm movie cameras.

$17 99; Polaroid, $29 99 binoculars, $14.99) away now for Christmas. Johnny Gentile's Pawn Shop, 1122 W. Church, GA 5-4085. Carpet Quality carpeting enly, 4r rooms, wall l-s ill, up to 270 so. ft.

too pet. nvun or wool, lf-stalled complete with paddine. Only $159 complete, or pay $8 monthly. Compare this tow price lor euaiity. Limited time only.

Lall now tor free home presentation, measurements, colors, etc. 241-9538. Scivice Discount. Opening evenings until Christmas. CLOTHING Winter Park's Wild Cat lacket, large, like new $8: while dinner lacket 3840.

$5) dark blue dress pants 32 waist, girl's white raoblt fur cape $6. Ml 7-10631 Victoria Ave. CASH REGISTER, National, late model, electric itamuer, pertect condition, recently overhauled by NCR. Privately owned. Less than half prlca.

617 N. Magnolia Ave. CLOCK Grandfather, portable typewriter, rug II ice cream unused, oriental lamps, etc. 2001 Buckminster. COFFElPTABLE RourvJ.

walnut. Cornet, silver, with case. 17 22nd St. GA 3-6529. CARPETS 3 truck leads, siionny damaged Dupont Nylon, all colors, lass than prlca.

Glore Furnl-lure, iv4S W. Colonial GA 3-7733. -4" COMPTON'S pictured encyclo pedia) graded elementary through high school) 241-3417. COLDSPOT REFRIGEARTOR -Average sia, perfect condition, top freeier, $60. GA 4-7209.

CAMERA 35 mm, Zeiss lkon, electric ava $40; 1 girls 24" 6i- GA 46203. COUCHES (2) French provincial, also rattan, opens Into bom excellent condition. 111) d- wards ph. 241-1790. "CANVAS FOLDING COTS S4.8J AL'S ARMY STORE W.

CHURCH GA S-4932 CAMERA 35 mm. outfit, wide angle and leiephoto lenses, many other extras, $100; Ml 4-3985. ft- CHAIRS Occasional) 47 to t- choose from. $59 95 new, slightly damaged, $29 95. Cheaper chairs $1995.

Mac's, 77 W. Livingston. Open Mon. 'til m. Ch.ld Playhouse, $49.95 RUSTIC FORT, $69.95 CYPRESS Fence ft Sales Co.

4ff- 6442 Colonial i 177-7481. CAMERA POLAROID 46. like new, $50) 424-6109. 1- CARPETING A-l quality. 100 pet.

DuPont continuous fila ment nylon. Buy now. Install by holidays. Low price $5 95 Yd. Includes Installation and heavy 40 pad.

Harper carpets, 5901 E. Colomal.Ph. 277J701. CITIZEN BAND radio, Lafayette, ME -43 6-110 volt, 5 sets of crystals, plus magnum base antenna, $100. CH 1-2594.

CARPET SALE 100 PCt. DuPont Nylon, $4.99. AAA Carpets, W. Colonial, CY 5-1113) 1425 High land Eau Gallia, AL 4-8149. CONN TRUMPET S50i Go-Cart small motorcycle 3 riding horses I electric train act and board $10) CR 7-6488.

CAMERAS, Bolex I m.m. automatic sell, buy or trade) Mr. Champ, 437 N. Orange 425-4561. CASH REGISTER National, un der maintenance contract.

$250 rnone mi -awe, attar p.m. -A- COAT (Cashmere) worn I mo. Perfect condition, site 1110 coat, sell $40. 424-1735 after I. 2017 Forest circle.

CASH REGISTER Good condition. 720 W. Colonial CARPET FINAL WEEK-1 rooms. 4u sq. tnciuaing peg, iw pci.

uuront wi nyion. $169 unnyland Carpet 423-4449 CAPTAIN'S DES, rattan tea- cart, early American rockers, Century dining room set, Queen Ann desk, mahogany and gold frame mirrors. We buy quality used furniture and lunque. Arch er's, 921 Orange Winter Park 644-3BV7. CAMPINQ or hunting trailer, all metal, Teardrop, sieaoa z.

can be seen at ftsso Station at Junction of (liver Star Rd. end Ocoee- Apopka Kd ocoee. CARPETS Check ae called sale prices with The Carpet House, 5005 E. Colonial Dr. et Hwy.

Patrol Call GA 5-5322; -JL- COAT Full length sheeted 4sf racoon, In perfect condition. Original cost $850, now $100. Phone GA 3-3359; ucsJL.cisa cases, reacn-in jJ boxes, electric saws, grinders, slicars, scales, blocks. New and used. Terms, w.

vaden Co. 6239 Edgeweter Dr. 193-3700. CHINA CABINET, corner, brushed birth, Comant-B-all, $60. Phone 644 4352 -A- DINETTE Early American 4 maple, table, 4 chairs, buffet hutch1Sig0i17q? Ardtiey or.

niuiur. boom TABLE Mahogany, 36X54 PIUS IS exiension irm, matching chairs, pn. ckj-vi ruci'uAsuFB GS Deluxe mihiia maid. 14A1 model, excellent condition, originally sou, now ia, Ph. mi 7-aJ.

DINING ROOM sat. cnlna closet, 4fl" a aerr btov. apacv Bit er, 34" sink ana ceoinei. utrxtr Items. GA 5-8 DUO-THERM oil space heaters.

close out sale, Va price, limited quantity, Winter Park Appliance Center, 127 Fairbanks, Ml 4-7841 niAMOND RING LadleSI em erald ruti 9 87 carat) make won derful Christmas gift; 64-yiP, npi irATFSPN Olsolav case, stainless steel. A-l. Remote unit, $375. DeLand RE 44661 DIAMOND NECKLACE Pvanlslta desion. GA 4-7983.

ripwAi Radial arm saws. Icintil- la Lesto taws and blades. Wood working machinery, rower rain, J. D. Pease Son, Sylvan Shores, Mount Dora, 386-2602.

nuunun RINGS: A carat soli taire; 9-dlamond 1 carat; leia- funkeo radio hl-tit OA 4-3i. 4 DIAMONDS Out-of-pawtt and estate close-outs rings, watches, pendants. Pins, prices guaranteed below wholesale. Her man's, 27 w. Churcn, since im.

-A- DIAMOND SOLITAIRE, Vs fSe Ray Meart Jewel ers, 14 N. Orange Ave, Orlando, Fla. 4- DRYER Hofpolnt electric high and low heat. 1 only floor sample, was $149.95, now $121 terms. Associated Warehouse, GA 2-2514.

DINING) SET, wrpught Iron, glass too. 4 chairsi 2-bamboo lounge chairs) er. Chinese lamps. Phone 423-214; DESKS Beautiful walnut, stu dents and executive desks, from $58.40 up, en sale now, Ace Of fice Equipment, 104 w. Amelia, 241-9624.

DRESSET evening and co*cktail, size li Schick electric shoe shiner, used once; cheap; 644-0148; -JL- DESKS 4-drawer, walnut tV finish; new slightly damaged only $29 95. Mac's, 77 W. Living ston. Open Mon. 'til 9 p.m.

ROOM TABLE. 36x60. wil 12" leaf and 4 chairs; fibre rug 8x12; recllner and ottoman; living room chair; reasonable; ph. GA 2-6244. DEUM (FIELD) 16 m.m.

movii camera; Westlnghouse roaster oven fueen size Hollywood bed automatic washer) waffle iron) sun lamp; Yazoo mower) 425-5667 Sun only, DINNER CHINA, ottwr dishes and glass-ware, 9x12 Wi.ton rug and fireplace brass; ga irisa. DINING ROOM SUITE, mahogany) photo equipment) electric range and refrioerator) gas range and not water healer; 241-4545, or eves and Sun. GA 2-8819. ELECTRIC MASSAGE machln also Kenmora washer, $1 Power lawn mower, $24; F. O.

Cur- rie, 422-2051; 914 Macbro ct ELECTRIC LIONEL TRAIN (2) with accessories, set per manent on table. GA 5-1789 ELECTRIC HEATER and fngg machine, 7 2579. both like new, call ELECTRIC RANGE Kelvinator 40" double oven; rnp mooei) ex. ceilent; $1Q0; call 277-0543. j- ENCYCLOPEDIAS," i condition, reasonaole.

good Phone 855-34T3. ENLARGFR, Omeqa B-5. Auto-focus, f4.5, extras, cost $335) dark room equipment, cost $95; I17X telescope; 1200W microscope; Kodak retina reflex F1.9, cost S279; belt otfer; 647-4458. 4 ENCYCLOPEDIA, Junior with Atlas and Year Books; girl's 26" bxvele, 2t" TV; nortab' fles wa'er pump; oroictiw screen; 78 enc 45 records, transistor radio; lady's Vi ridim boots; s-ze 14 red dres- never worn; will trade, 293-48P4. FUPNiTuRE-Booki.

houeshoid effects, 80 9. T-ake Bar- 1onRd.CR7J77J. FORMALS (5) Sizes 5, 7, 11, 12, $5 to $'9. Good condition, phone TE S-4724. St Ask or at we 1 FURNITURE Airman Transferred -jt- Brand for bah and new, still In lay away.

lance due; 3 rooms, com plete, no down payment, $3 25 wk. for Credit Adlustor CR 7 68:4) liS-5794. FURNITURE USED EASY TERMS Foom cushioned, 2-pc. living room suite; $22 Porch fllider; $10 Chaise cot; $10 Nice easy choir; $19.95 Small 4 ft. sofa; $12.50 Single cr full size beds, spring and mattress; $10 up Baby crib; $7.95 3-drawer chest; $6.95 Small dinette; $9.95 Metal porch chairs; $2.95 Good Bad SELF SERVICE STORE 124 W.

Church St, GA 1-3801 umiturs) In good condition Low bargains. Call 193-1121. FURNITURI 5299 uvi all thg furniture you need for I complete roomsl The price Is low; the quality Is high! One look this group will convince you accept trades, nd oeter terms from $10 03 mo. Cen nltes 'til 9. Central Bedding ft Furniture Co, 1301 S.

Orange OA 2463. FURNITURE ON LAY-A-WAY No down peyment on 3 rooms of furniture, lust take over payments of $13 per mo. balance $.) We can deliver In 3 hrs. Call reflit Adlustor at 295-36J0 or OA 7748, FURNITURE 10.000 so, ft. of Display Colonial Age Store Truly the finest collection of Early American rurnirure in central ria.

E-Z TERMS TRADE-INS 'A little out of the way, but so much lass to pay." Town Country Furniture 3410 S. Orange Ave. GA 2 6360. open 9 to 9 except Sat. Tll S.

URNITURE. I dining room table and 6 chairs, mahogany, $35. 1 rench Provincial white antique couch, $10. Ph. TE 4 3474." FURNITURES-DAY SALE opossessed Finance Company.

1 mahogany beds matched, each $20, box springs and mattresses, twin, $20 set. I twin mattress. $10. 1 mahogany beds, matched, each $25. heavy duty box springs and mattress.

140 set. Double Inner- sprlng mattress, as Is, $7.50 Mahogany double pad. box springs and mattress. $35. Mehoaanv 4-poster bed, sorlnq and mattress, $:5.

Mahooany twin high back beds, matched ueir, earn, iwin dox spring and mattress, $11 set. Dinette set, formica, $25. 1 occasional haira. eacn 15. 1 arm criair, Irass headboard, twin.

$8. Hall table and chair. $15. Mahogany Twin bed, 7 sers, eacn 1 nox soring and mattress, 1 twin sets, $70 each. Bahama lounge, 1 at $15 ch.

Walnut cotiee labia, giass top, 5. Coffee table, 1 end tables, matched, each $5. Limed oak corner table, heavy, $15. Limed oak step table, heavv. $12.50.

2 matched lamps, each $6. 1 table lamo. $7 50-S5. Walnut bookcase double bed, $75. Sealy double soring and mattress, matched set.

$30. Walnut 4-drawer chest, $20. 4 drawer walnut dresser and mirror, $35. Double walnut bed, $15. Box sorlnq and mattress, double, $15.

Mahooany oresser anq mirror, au. umw with high mirror, $13 50. Oak tit Ch Iwwul table. 4 chairs, Child's platform rocker, $7 50. Colonial maple desk, as Is, 15.

Ore en upnolstereo cnair, Governor Wlnthroo desks, eacn 15. 1 way mirror, dressing table. 1 at $25. Upholstered stool. 1 at cia.a too mahogany desk and chair, $30.

Mahogany chest-on- chest, roomy, as is. end mirror, any, $30. Iflllry manonanr, w. Kla maKMAnw. KIlV IS rlDr, draaslno labia, as Is, $7.50.

Kroehler hide-e-oea, $45. t. ia yn Iv taKa and cha man set, so. rtn owr as Is, $17 50. Matched sofa bed end chair, black, as Is, $35.

Hlde-a-bed. IS, Sl 5. uresser anu mini-, i i mahnaanv end tables, each a aia rrihs. chests, hiah chairs, playpens Imesh and wood), sandbox, plavoround eoulpmem 10 A.M. All LXV GORE AT.

LUCE BNf TFR RACE AL PKinLC ruxni 1 UKcvvj. FREEZER Large chest type, w4 nuwiiilnn. 7i. Telephone GA 4-7492, sV FURNITURE SALE -V SLIGHTLY DAMAGED ALL NEW 25 sofa ana cnair sers, aos -r twenty 4-place bedroom suites, $69 rh starts Dec. 7.

Budget Furniture, 5541 a. yranqe Ave. (north end ef Pine casus) 855-9959, FUR COAT, grey Persian, size 12, excellent condition) bargain) pri vate party) pru427833. FILING CABINETS (2) 4-drawer Steel Master, legei sue wnn Cwrallnl rnnriltlnn. $75 each) 30x42 single pedestal eesx, wsmui thihh.

$30. 365-J9I3; FURNITURE Wanted, reliable couple to take up monthly payments or in. on I complete roomj of furniture. will sacrifice for cash. Dealer.

Call 838-1511. ciiPMiTiipp Mult sell at once. 1 rooms of furniture. Will sacrifice for $200 casn or taxe over par-ments of $9.50 per mo. Dealer, rail 819-1511.

FPPP7FPJ Uorloht Frlaldalret $200. In excellent condition) phone 423-4801. Furniture 3-Room Groups Furnish 3 complete rooms for only $299 end up) terms) free delivery) ooen 9 to f. Woodburn's Furniture 3550 S. Oranoa Ava.

6 4-im, GARDEN TRACTOR 9 H.P 163 with plow, disc and mower. Phor.e 295-0762 GAS COOK STOVE O'Keefe end Marrlt. chrome top. electric tim er, like new, must see to eopre- clafe)42 4-' GO KART '43 Fox Karl, with MC-30 engine, custom trailer, Call 818-2457; t. GUN High standard 22 calibre automatic, new holster.

practically new. 277-1151. GAS STOVE Kenmora) Cold-spot refrigerator freezer, excellent condition. Call 425-3384. -J- GOLF CLUBS Bags, balls big discount, also cameras, prolectors, Herman's, 27 W.

Church, since 1921. Open 'til 9 m. GO-KART Excellent condl- lion; $350 new, now $100; GA 2 2353. GOLF CLUBS Sammy Snraj, complete sel inciuomg can ana bag. Phone 295-4478.

GUN 12-gauge Stevens, double barrel, like new, plus accessories, $45. GA 4-7842. I- GUNS; Antioue and modern for dad or son; Proger's Gun Shop; 1707 N. Mills. -Ay- GOLF BAGS 50 pet.

off, also good buys In unredeemed golf clubs end golf balls. Herman's, 27 W. Church, open 'til9. GAS RANGE Deluxe used 3 mo. grill, simmer burner, clock, and timer, $75; 422-7026.

GE VACUUM CLEANER with at- tachments, $35, ph. Ml 4-6130; GIBSON combination freezer, refrigerator, like new, automatic defrosting $125; TE $-4470. 4 GOLF SET Lady's, 8 clubs, cart and bag, excellent con dition, bargain, 644-5598. HI-FI, high quality Electro-Voice, 2 pre-Amps, 3 main Amps, In orio-Inal packages. Never used.

$4h0 value, $150. Also Jensen studio cabinet sneaker. Record changer, Ph. $38-4089. rree Perking Phone 241-3431 133 lest Robinson Downtown ARTICLES for SAVE WESTINGHOUSB cabinet TV, $40) foyer hydraulic Invalid hoist, $95) call GA 2-1967.

4 we'sTing1ouse roaster OVEN Never used, $25. Ph. 447-6860. WINCHESTER rifle, model 52, call-bar 22, scope and Iron, sights with kit, excellent, 920 Palm Dr. ASHE RTN ex.

ceilent condition, $35) 425-0354 after 9 a.m. WASHER DRYER PhTlco Bend. excellent condition) child's 20'' chain drive tricycle) combination refrigerator and electric range) callGA 4-0497. WASHER, FRIGIDAIRE Automatic. PhoneCH V3804, WORLD "BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, like new.

$50, 541 Huntington Ave Winter Perk. WFSTINGHOUSE Luundro-Mal, excellent condition, must sell, today, CR 7 5 1 99, CR 7 2692 WRINGER WASHER Maytaot with tubs, good condition, $40. Ph. 422-5073 714 Putnam St. WASHER Good used Kenmora automatic, excellent condition.

277-5082. ASH I NGT MACHINE Kenmora automatic, excellent condition, pnone phone 285 0444. i WASHER Kenmora automatic. works perfectly, 1st $33 takes, rn. GA 3-8853.

WATER "HE ATFPS Known brand) too aualltv; best price; Installa tion arranged) ph. 295-0837. "4" 2 WASHER Maytag, automatic. speed deluxe model, 90day guarantee, Hamoton Mayfal, 2010 N. Orange.

GA 5 8631. WASHER, Kenmore automatic; ex- ceilent conditlon; pnone WATER CONDITIONER Taste- odor Iron soft; factory to you. Salesor rental. CR7-1087. -V FOR YOUR HOLIDAY CAR- PETS, see Brooks Carpet Out.

let 1816 Dr. or Hlnton'e Carpets, 2034 W. Washington. PEDDLERS Assorted lines wholesale. Diamond and Gold, 28 E.

Church Street. SALE SALE SALE -7-t- Used furniture, antiques. Sell-" Ing out everything at or near rot. Many fine nlfts. Brenton's, 512E.

7470. -4- AMT Model Turnpike, complete with 2 cars, controls, extra equipment: orltinaMy $67, Ilka new 545; ph. 795-2420. SACRIFICE-Blact broadtail 4- l.scket, mink collar $150. CH 14144.

BRITT'S REFRIGERATOR, G. I-dow. 13 cubic toot $135 WASHER, Wetlnghouse, good working condition 48 RANGE, O. E. 40" 35 N.

Orange Aye. 131 OA 5-2551 CHRISTMAS 4IPECIALI RCA and Motorola Color TV'S) black-and-white TV and stereoi 1 yr. free service, terms available. Tucker 8t Quits TV, 3108 Corrine Or. STRETCH YOUR Christmas dollars') shop the Nearly New Shop, 701 W.

Fairbanks, Winter Park, for real bargains In clothing. Hrs. 10 to 5, Mon through Saturday. Uncrated New Kitchen Cabinets BRAND NEW 25 TO 35 PCT. BELOW WHOLESALE Bid Chief 3405 Old Winter Garden 295-165 J.

We deliver. Open 7 to I p.m., 4 days wk. 4 LOVELY DIAMOND solitaire in white gold setting, 1 carat, asking $450, value $950 as verified by local ieweler In writing) call after work. 422 7263 or on weekends. USED DOORS SPECIAL-Boat, trailer; steel, good windows; bathroom, kitchen and plumbing sun-plies; Norlendo Salvage 369) Old WlnterGarden Rd CYJ-46J5.

WILL TRADE white Phllco relriqerator for used automatic washer. Plu IS54427. 1 963 TV Closeout ADMIRAL AND PHILCO 21" Admiral console Regular $79 $149.50 23" Phllco rgular $299 $155 23" Phllco walnut. Rgular $299 1182 Pnllco stereo consle. eeular $179 $109 Phllco Console AM-FM radio.

Regular $299 $150 BRITT'S 454N Orange Ave. GAJM5" A MAKE OUR STORE your one n0p Christmas store where you find a gift suitable for every member of the family. Bumby 102 W. Church St. '4' GIVE HIM what ha has always wanted, a new shotgun, rifle.

pistol, gun case, game bad, reel, rod, etc. Bumby Hardware 102 W.Church St. MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE The prettiest In town with lights and trim from Bumby Hardware 102 W. Church St. FOR SALE TV Zenith cheep! For sale: 2 Aerovac coffee con-tainers, 1-5 gal.

and 1-10 gal. excellent tor lunch wagon, $15 for both, I restaurant type dining tables, with chairs excellent condition, $150 for all. Slucky's, Apopka 886-5411. ALL kinds material from founde-tion to roof, lumber, timber, siding, flooring, 500 doors, laiousle, steel and wood sash, pipe from to steel beam and steel lolst irusi up i ii. iiwhii-i, steam.

Special this week 1x4. f. 0). 2 cents ft. King, 3500 S.

Rio GrandeMJA 4-7267. STEEL shop desk, $41. stools, $4, parts bin unit, $50. New In original cartons.GA4-5047. 3-STORY GENERAL elevator.

2.0nb lb. capacity. Complete, like-new dismantled Carl Glass, Osceola Forpe, Pin. kit. nog mos.

slmmee. Fla. Ph. 847-20M or 847- 2419 day or niohf. BEAUTIFUL MEN'S WATCH Le Couitre.

time ana oote; wiaow win 33-1 MUSICAL Iriafruiweeitg ACCORDION Hohner, 94 3 bass, like new, cost $350, sacrifice 8Call 838-2017. AFRICAN BASENJI, male, yrs. old, barkless and odorless, very InteMjgent S5, parws.GA3-745K ACCORDION Atlas 120 key fe basst sacrifice) call 293-9459 Mrs. VanPatten. BAND INSTRUMENTS Bar- gains galore In new ana used, all makes.

Trial purchase plan tor beginners. Streep's. 641 N.JDrange. CONN TRUMPET Silver, Bach mouthpiece, case, $75 or best offer; call evenings GA 4 8290. 4 CONN ORGAN Used Minuet, $450; Ph.

GA 3-4140 evenings. 855-6100, Ext. 2419 days. CORNET Olds Ambassador, like new, case. Call GA Continued on Next Page) 12i24, 12x36, 12x72 end 12.50 per Sq.

ft. 3.00 and up 2.50 each 48x60 48x72 1.25 ecch 3.95 gal. rfcci? 425-90S5 ANNOUNCIMINTS 10 Baby Bitters. Child Care 11 Special Notices Jl Lost and found It Travel Information Personalised Services 2 Orxxl Places to Kal 30 Oood Thlnis to Be AUTOMOTIVE 11 Airplane Sales at Btrvlce 72 Auto-Truck Rentals 23 Auto Service 4k Repairs 74 Auto-Trucks anted 75 Used Cars for Sale 7 Trtllers. Trucks for Bile 77 House Trailers for Sale 77-1 Trailer Space for Rant Parm.

Industrial Equip caens BUSINESS SERVICES J4 Beauty Parlors 17 Haulir.i 4k Sdoylnt 10 Srrvicri Offered 03-2 Schools as Instruction EMPLOYMENT M4 Help Wanted Pemale 05 Help Wanted Male fS-1 Help Male or Female OSSales Help Wanted 07 Employment Aaenclea $7-1 Employment Information egWork Wantea Prmaie 70 Woik Wanted Mala FINANCIAL 80 Sulness Opportunities 81 Bank Loans 62 Loans UP to $300 iJ-Mo'luit oins W-l Money Wanted 33 ARTICLES for SALE Home Movie Outfit Bell t. Howell deluxe I MM camera plus bl 500 Waft prelector, screen, lite bar, etc. Everything needed for complete home movie. Like-new. Take over balance due.

Only $88.28 or pay $8.16 mo. Call for free home trial. Dealer 241 9588. Open evenings until Christmas. HONDA CUB MOTOR BIKE '63 model, completely equipped, cost well over $400 new; sacrifice for $275; owner GA 3 9804.

HIDE-a-BED Simmons, color beioe, price recllnersSSSViS. TpV Homes For MOVED TO YOUR LOT Prices reduced, so we can sell them In 1963. Modern Movers Sas Office, 301 S. Primrose, 2V5-0731) alter 4 and Sun. 644-26o0.

HEATERS A large selection of oood used heaters from $15 up. Also complete selection of new electric. oil and kerosene hearers, joseon Bumby Hardware 102 W. Churcn, GA 5-4621; HEATERS, OIL used. Big Chief Inc.

Furnace, space, and gas 3605 Old Winter Garden 2v5 1653, open 4 days to HEATERS of all kinds, hot air, hot water, steam, gas. Also 3 larse gas blowers, all kinds of pipe, King, 3500 S. Rio Grande. GA 4-7267. Hi Fl RCA portable, 45 RPM, bass, treble control, excellent condition, $25.

GA 2-1497. HIDE-A-BED innerspring mattress, heige, 80" long, ex ceilent condition $10. 472-8825. HEATERS: A-l, $15 UP) fuel oil and service; Troolcai ''el uu, iA 4- 8570; 4-: HOTPOINT DRYERS, cost less then I cents par hour to operate, special close-out prices on 6.1 models. Palmer Electric.

HOUSES Moved on your tot. Masonry also frame. Large selection, low pay ments. 423-9519. yi-nit.

HOTPOINT RANGE lull sua oven and storage, i- GA 4-7209. Heaters Up to $50 trade for your used heater on Quaker or DuoThfrm oil heaters wnn tans, aiso useo heaters from $10. LoomH Hardware, 2211 S. Orange, GA J-66. HEARING AID, late model, complete $60.

Ph. FA 2-8380, See at 2805'-y S. Park Ave. Santord. HI-FI SPEAKER SYSTEM with M5" woofer and super tweeter) oiled welnut cabinet.

293-7037 HEATERS Crusader kerosene heaters, burns 25 hours on 1 gal Ion of fuel. John's Hardware No. 2, Northgate, CY a-W5i. i.iniiMF WINDOWS, ona 36x72, three 110x72; reasonable. Phone GA 2-6246, KENMORE GAS DRYER Good condition.

Ph. 277-9673. KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER like new with all attachments. Ken- more sewing machine, blond wood, cabinet model) ph. Ml 7-3745.

Kenmors Automotic Wosher Good. 1st $35 takes. Ph. 425-5129. KENMORE automatic washer, $50, portable bar.

$10) lawnmower, $20 3 pull-down lamps, 1 0 king-site bedspread, 15; small peoroom chair, CR 7-4706. -A- LIONEL "027" gauge train sets complete with many accessories. Like new. GA 5-8104 after 6:30 m. except Wednesday.

LUGGAGE AND BILLFOLDS Men's 2 suiters $10 95. Ladles 3-piece sets $14.95. Mono-gramed free. Herman's, 27 W. Church.

Open 'til P.m. -A- MOTOR SCOOTER 1962, Lam Sl bretta 125, Ilka new, $225) phone Ml 4-5678. MOTORCYCLES, Triumph Cub and Harley 165; A-l; 4124 Shorecrest Dr. off N. Fairbanks.

MOTORCYCLE '58, 10 H.P. A-t con-dltlon, double seat, windshield, saddle boxes. $175. 413S Caywood Circle, near RIMar MOTOR SCOOTER '57 ZuHa-Bella. 200 CC, $125 or best oiler.

Ph. 444-5394. NE1F LOW PRICES ALLSTATE ENGTNES FORD 7( 1919-33 1 I Complete Villi Head FORD 1934-59 X.J iCylinder Block Aanembl Cash Price Vith Trade-I; We Also Carry Truck Enginee NO MONEY DOTN on Sears Zuf Payment Plan SEARS Downtown, E. Colonial andl.ershurg u.i. u.

CANOES 1st come. 1st wrved, it you dun'l ilk our price, we'll take yourt. Marine City. Casseioerry, TE COR ECTCR A T-lt hlb i Ing several new models soon to oe announced at ma or boat shows. Aim full lint of 44 models see them plant or contact ft Marine, oo0 S.

Orenve Blossom Tr phone plant office 155-4141. CORRECT CRAFT top, wind-snieia, steering and lights, Gator tui trailer. $J50) 444-SUJ7. EVINRUDE 1963 clearance saiel While they lat: 75 P. electric shift $750.

40 H.P. $J0) $475 it P. $J6S 18 M.P. $jii; 10 VI.P. VZi.

Also selection oi cloaeout models In boa it, by Carton Cutter, FabuQlas eic E-ameie: II tt. ollshor special $95. li ft. $795 runabout $550. Is ft.

Gator trailer $210. Making room tor latest style Cathedral Hull by Thunaerblrd. Cruisers by Traveller, Lapsirak by MFG. Aluminum by Lone Star and Star-craft. What a selection.

Wow I Terms, Robson Sporting Goods, Sowniown Santord, FA 2-5961. -i- EVINRUOE 18 HP, Fastwin, good as new, Slac; phone 55-6869. FIBREGLAS 14'. boat and Iraner. Mark 25 Mercury.

Ail forward controls, 122 Grace St. FIBREGLAS SUPPLIES of all types and suggestions on how to use them. A lull Una of accessories, many at less than halt price. Fix uo that old boat now. Expert motor and tra ltr repairs.

Orlando Boat Herndon Airport. FIBERGLASS HEADQUARTERS Hatteras Yachts, houseboats and the S-22 deep speedboat. Late model used boats. Weicn-Dlckerson Marine, Port Orange (Daytone) tel. 255-2243.

FIBREGLAS have a large stock of all fibreglass materials necessary tor boat repair. Retimth your boat with. Pettlt's new epoxy marine finishes for the lasting sparkle everyone likes. Haaood Brothers, 1121 W. Church.

Ph. 424-5639. HARDTOP 17' fiberglas, as new, trailer) Correct Cratt Ague Skier, will trade, 1121 Edgeweter Dr. 424-7585 or 2W-8602. JOHNSON 75 HP.

with II oal. cruise tank, new prop, hood, electric harness, battery, and battery box. Extra prop, gal. oil, '60. A-l condition.

1550 J10M. LONE STAR, IS' aluminum boat, with 40 H.P. mi Johnson outboard) motor, electric starter, bat tery, ate. $795. Call 155-9051 or winter oerden vk-rm.

LARSON 11 ft. offshore fiberglass. tun vinyl topset, sleeps l. an eaulpped and Coast Guard approved, built-in eas tank. 60 HP Gala with generator on heavy duty Dana trail er with 2-Speed winch and direction-al signal.

Cost over $3 200 New condition. Price S2.150. Will take or In trade. Can finance. Ml 4-8458.

OWENS 25' cabin cruder, 220 He, sleeps 4, A-l condition! owner, NO 8-5437, DeBary, Fla. OUTBOARD BOAT 11' Holt- day terponi 7J HP Evlnrude motor) Gator tilt trailer; call Mr. AldrlCh 424-8311 Of BJ8-3IW6. RUNABOUT Ideal for skiing, 30 HP Johnson) eacnllce 12501 call Ml 4-0181. -JL- SKI BOAT 13', 30 H.P.

Mar- cury. Good deall Racine, bike. 10-speed. GA 5-2328) 241-2135, SAILBOAT 15', A-l condi tion, $350; with 15' trailer, 425; 917-22nd St. GA 3 WE BUY BOATS Motors and trailers, all types, Bob's Boats ft Motors, 1450 S.

Bumby. GA4-l653. i 16 FT. LARSON glass boat including top, windshield and running lights and new 40 HP Evmrude pushbutton shift motor, battery and box. $1,395.

ORLANDO MARINE CO. 2421 So. Orange Ave. 1963 Turbocraft Jet 15, 11 foot with complete top and Coast Guard equipment, power-ad 1U horsepower Interceptor engine. Lists tor $5,629.

Selling prlca $3,625. Will take trade-in. GATEWAY. MARINE 1003 Orlando Avenue, Winter Park. USED SPECIALS 11 ft.

aluminum fishing boat, 4V $95, is ft Alumecraft aluminum end Tee Nee trailer $395; 14 ft. Boston Whaler and trailer $395; Tea Nee trailer, for 13 to 15 ft. boats, $125; used motors $50 up. Orlando Boat Herndon Airport. $1,095 -ft- 14 Woodson equipped, 35 H.P.

Vt Merc, tilt trailer, Ilka new. CENTRAL MARINE SALES KISSIMMEE Ph. $47-2712 ORLANDO Ph. GA 5-0339 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! CLEMENTS BOAT Inc. 1709 N.

Oranoa Ave. GA 3-8565 -3- New 17 ft. Razorback fibreglas runabout) Murray tilt trailer) 50 H.P. Johnson) throttle controls) battery and box. Was $1,815.

Sale price 11.329. 4-CYCLE OLTBOARD Have vou seen the sensational new Homeilta '55 H.P. 4-cvlln- der economy package. See It now at RANSOM DOWNES HI Orange Ave. 473 2593 EXCLUSIVE OWENS DEALER Bid savings on Flagships, Seasklffs Yachts.

Terms up to 5 years Owens sales, service, parts. WILLIAMS BROS. MARINE, INC. (120 Florida Tampa Phone 234-4441 OPEN SUNDAY Aluminum boat 12' 6J KK 49; 12' wood boat wim well $49; canoes. Marine City, 17-91 Cassel berry, I 2674.

CASH PAID for clean used nnt- flts.Robson Sporting Goods, down- 32-1 Campina-Flsh-Huntinq ALUMINUM CAMPING tral'w walk In, bunk bds, $300; 1319 t-rancts at. ua 3-44. rwith camper) sleeps phone 855 2963. GUNS Buy, sell and trade, all kinds. Graham's Pawn Shop, 40 vv.

Michigan 33 ARTICLES for SALE APPLIANCES-Used Completely reconditioned rafrlgeretors from $39.9 conditioned refrigeretors from $39.95. Also used washer and rang es Joseph Bumby Hardware Co 102 W. Church. GA 5-4621. AUTOMATIC WASHER Range and refrigerator.

Must sell, make etter. Phono ca ALUMINUM AWNING 18x4, cost $250, sell for $95, new last May. Phone 295-0762. ANTIQUES, cherry corner cup board, mahogany secretary, round tables. Ice cream chairs, spinning wheel, cherry and maple desk, 3- drawer commode, tea cart, Mackoy Antiques, 318 w.

Churcn. ANTIQUES: "The finest Christmas gilts for that particular We suggest hand painted china, cut glass, gold leweiry, sterling, tamps, randaiabraa. brail or copper Items. Slop bv, vou are welcome at Mackoy's Antiques, 311 W. Church, 4MTIOUP HANGING LAMP $65 Servier $15) pair lizard shoes, sire and bag.

used once, $25. 1325 Groveiana Ave. ireer) -JL- AMERICAN FLYER TRAIN Diesel engine. Phone 425- 5667. Christmas bring loy forever.

Lovely col lection. Vonica Adams Taylor, 50 N. Femcreek, APT. WASHER, chest, dresser, stereo, radio, bedroom set, bike. games, electric oven, dinette, sec tional; noagers it im.

ANTIQUES Maple love-seat, re-finished. It spindie-back $65; talking machine and records $55; Sun. only 11 a.m. on; 4101 S. 10 GrandeJ ACCORDION HI-FI, 6 peace manogany dining suit, 1 girl's bikes, relaxicizor, roil-away and bunk beds; vibrating pad: many otner ltemsand JW-GA3-J153j ANTIQUES and estate lewelrv.

Shoo for that special someone at Highland Fling Antiaues, 246 N. H'owand Winter Garden, 456-3555. Brass French fire screen, commemoration puss*an Samovar IStO 1J lvno 1902; sait glazed pitcher, registered in England In 1S56; "'Tree of Lite" eoerqne Sevres bowl and Ormuiu siand-1871; finest quality Limoges chinaS Pieces $200. ANTIQUES Doub'e student lamp; small Pine hutch; marbie tro table; cut i.ass cn--a; rpfy gift Items. Sadler's Antioue Shop, 201 WHoratio Maitiand.

ANTIQUES "Sectional bookcases, S. rart, mill, flat Irons, mirror, wash stand, brass bed. s'e-oh bed, sinale drawer s'and, bicvcles, oil hea'ers, taoies. sofas, beds, striking clock, standard typewriter, make desk; 223 Liberty St, GA 2-4500. A Into 2 ANTIQUES and good housenoiu items.

Auction see every m. night, 7:30 p.m. Turn unused Items Thanks tor maun ou first auction a success: Raymond Auction Galleries Fairbanas al Edgewater, phone 423-MO. aTaaTe'uS-RADio Heathkit hawk receiver. A-l rr- 1,1,0.1, ol $J00.

sell I99. 4-2721. ANTIQUES Butter churn, chair, trhnaj nesk. candle taoie, brass. cooper-other Items.

CH JJ68 7. -ft-ANTIQUE LOVE SEAT Toys, all kinds) books, refrigerator. 4.l774. AUTO PARTS USED Complete Una of used parts, best prices, wny pay morer 7-6910. APPLIANCES Used, refrigerators, ranges, freerers, largest selection In Orlando, $20 up, all ouaren-led.

Chuck Morgan's, 1207 W. Church, GA I-20B. our lern yr. ANTIQUES-Vlslt friendly shops. lots to sea, rare pieces or crone and glass, fair prlcesi 230-240 Mwy 17-92 Casselberry, mile on the left beyond Seminole Plata.

Something tor everyooay APPLIANCES, OSEDi Prices drastically reduced tor pre-inventory sale. Must reduce Inventory 50 pet. mnA of month. Tasted, approved and guaranteed. Cash or terms.

Claude Wolla warehouse, 106. ALhXANuhK Ph. CH l-34'l, open rl. til AiiTnuaTir washer Repos sessed Detuxe RCA Whirlpool, 2-speed, 2-cycie, weter temperature end water tevet eeircnon. runr guaranteed $148 or nothing down, $7.75 per monin.

Tyrees, 2124 Colonial Drive. BOOKS-USED: sell-trade. 1.000 to cnoose) Nitlonal Georgraphics 1928-1963. Open Sun. GA -5066, Smith's, 1504 E.

Michigan BICYCLE 1 yr. old $60. English Racer, 10-speed; sell $24.50. 2904 Northwood Ml 4-221. BEDROOM SUITE With spring and mattress, iSi headboard ana frame, $5) evening gown, worn once, site 10, $10) violins) peaei tire-engme, sj.

a-jvej. BICYCLE Boy's, $15) foot locker bov's clothes, six 12-14. Pnon Ml 4-7874. BICYCLES SCHWINN and all makes, boys' and girls'; 2-spced, 3-speed, 10-speed; bicycles built for tor rent or sale. If you don't find what you're looking for here, vou won't find It afivwhere.

Biggest selection In town. Terms. Jerry's 3120 Corrina GA 5 6506; open 'til 9 p.m. i -jfj- BICYCLES, tricycles, boys, 41V girls, all sizes, Ilka new) 2445 Rae'nrd Rd 424 8765. BICYCLES, Schwlnn, Tricycles Murray) Sales, service; Nicks 111 S.

Lake Barton 277-2343. -J- BICYCLES, Tricycles, morer- cycles) Goodman's, 140 Howel Branch Winter Park) 444-5230. BICYCLES Schwinn, Boyfc gris, all sites, styles. Lay away 'til Christmas Eva. Cycle Shop, 1019 Fairbanxs, Ml 7-329Q, BICYCLES r-or boys and girls from 20" with trainer wheels up to full lre, large selec tion.

Bumby Harwara 102 W. Churclv BEDROOM SUITES, stoves, automatic washers, automatic washer-dryer; deep freeie, 18') breaktatt sets, living room suites, odds and ends. 6000 S. Orange Blsm. Tr Don's Mobile nomes saies.

BICYCLES Used) repair work. Neuman's, 157 Willow Forest City 838-5303, BICYCLES, Murray 10" tricycles, speclaT $14.95) speedometers, $4.95 Lay-awavs, accessories, terms. Del-Rays' Discount 300 Edgewater, BICYCLES Boy's $15; ping. pong table, complete siui ui- 3294 BAR with 1 stools, lumping trampo line, folding, 140 id. capeciry, ik 7-3343.

BABY FURNITURE ATTENTION MOTHERS And expectant mothers. Don't buy crib, new or used till you shop me first, can save you money on cribs, mattresses, strollers, play pen, nign cneiri cnesrs. ah rr brands. Al Prince, corner Gore at Lucerne Terrace; -A- BICYCLE, boy's 26" Schwlnn, excellent condition) reasonable) 447 5566; eves 647-4844 BIKE 3-speed, light weight, looks brand new, $20. Call 293-0455.

BIKES used end-or repossessed, 9A" mnit 7A" rnnna s. rrom ua. Goodyear, 77 W. Robinson. Open til 9 m.

excepr aaturoay. BikP 11" Girl's 110. Skates, Chicago alia 1, white boot, stop pers, case 13. Musical rw-ner, boh crip $ig. wool coari iscKer) oriswi.

lie 7. vacuum Cleaner iu) 1-5849, niiTi pb BUILDINGS One 20x60 aluminum 40x40 galvanized. eas tanks, 9,500 gal. Ml 4-545 a.m. s.

-Jt- BICYCLE Boys red. J- speed, English racer, excellent condition. Ml 7-6737. BICYCLE ooy nu fir train, marry extras) Aurora model motoring. Call 424-6653.

-jp BASSINETTE, Kldd'a Coop, wash tub ell on wheels) Hot- point range, double oven, liantiv used. looKS like new; 8 ft. refrioerator, freeier too. 644-2860 or GA 2-0166 BUNK BEDS complete wnn 4s5- sealy Mattresses, $89 Mac's, 77 W. Livingston.

Open Mon. 'til BEDROOM SUITE Walnut ft finish) double dresser, mirror, chest and panel bed) $149, new) slightly damaged $69.95. Mac's, 77 W. Livingston. Open Mon.

'til BEDROOM SET Ranch oak, 4 nr new $249. slightly damaged, $150; other sets, $88. Wttitmire's, 4520 W. Colonial. BED HOSPITAL) Multi-High Inland with 1 edlusfments, complete with side rails) Invalid's commode wheel chair with cesters and footrest; ramp tor 3 steps) smaii electric Monitor washer) GA 1-0829.

4- BICYCLE Girl's 24" with speedometer, 20; brass andirons plus tire tools, raver used $20; CH 1-1886. BANQUET CLOTH and 12 napkins, linen, Italian cutwork. never used, reasonable. Ph. 3-jyi.

BIKES, used, all sizes. S17 50. Ilka new. 3205 Friendly 1 blocks W. of 441 on anaaer no.

naPktcPBCiUf. Oriental, black, long black coffee table, tall bird cage, stand; brtc-a-orac. ia j-ai'J. BELT UUUOI-C, vrouiui, uwbu-t- resf mattress, S-drawer chest, mta table. Sacrifice, phone Z41-464.

BICYCLES Boy's and girl'i 4 electric train, complete with tracks and extras; Underwood typewriter; see at 3201 Raven Road BENDIX AUTOMATIC clothes dry, er, good condition, 1st $35 takes, Phone it j-ujai. BICYCLE-Schwlnn boy's, deluxe, red, 1 vrs. eld. Very good condition. 525.

CY 3-2550, BICYCLE Girls Colum bia, almost new. Call 425- 2037, BICYCLES Boys 26" Schw.nn, 1-red lioer, 1 piack 1, 10 notch condition, mi -oaia. BIKE-J. C. Higgins, boy's 26' excellent condition, $30.

4010 Timber Trai Pine Ridge Estates. BICYCLES Gir's and bovs, reasonable. Also record play er, phone 855-7489. ttirvri 94" and bov girls'. Rebuilt, new paint, tires, etc.

Private party, 6008 Shenandoah Way, CR 7-3594. BICYCLE PARTS Frames with forks, wheels, fenders, other related parts, truck load, lot sale. CR 7-3594. BICYCLE 14" girls $15; refrigerator double bed. $25; vacuum cleaner $10; 505 Hazel Court.

BLANKET, heater, proWtor, screen, luggage, linens, elefhing, tovs. TV stand; GA 3-7209; GA 3-0030; -J. CHORD ORGAN, Majnus, like "fe new, $50 or trade for recent set encyclopedias. 295-3604. CHAIP.

Tan vibrator In excel'e-t z-soeea. cost sen for one-halfprire. GA4-S435. co*ckTAIL DRESSES, afso turquoise oriental brocade, size 15-16jfur lacket; GA 3-8175. CAMERA Speed Grrphic 7" 3'i flasn vid holders, complete.

570. GA 2 7495. CAMERA Kodak S'armeter, 1962 model. Reasonable. Cs" Mi.

CHAIR, swivel, beige naugahvde will sacrifice, used mos. 933 Dartnicuth. Collets Park. 371 set 40 in' a 4 1 50,000 CHRISTMAS TREES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 8 Selected Nova Scotia Balsam, Selected Pa. Scotch Pine, Vermont Spruce end Balsam )Sj 2 SIZE? FROM 2 TO 20 FT.

fl NEW LOT on Hwy. 17-92, Maitiand RHODES SON I Ph. 838-2739 II TAKE ADVANTAGE $5,000 uonvsTEA exemption MOVE INTO YOUR NEW HOME ON Oil ItEFOIlE JAN VARY 1064 FURNISH 3 ROOMS FOR $299 $38D0WN 11. 'VMONTHS HOME OWNERS SPECIALS Va" Mosonite Peaboard: 24x48 Filigree Panels: 1S'jx72 Weieer Patio locko LIVING ROOM 2-PC. SECTIONAL SOFA FORMICA TOP COFFEE TABLE BEDROOM BOOKCASE BED DOUBLE DRESSER MIRROR 4-DRAWER CHEST SERTA MATTRESS 1 BOX SPRING 2 LAMPS DINING ROOM DINETTE TABLE, FORMICA TOP 6 PLASTIC COVERED CHAIRS hom*osote "Hondy 24x48 1.39 each Plywoed: Vt" Vt" and Va" in sixes 24x48 36x48 48x48 Ping Pong Tables: S'x9'x's" ext.

plywood 15.00 each Yale Screen Door latches Latex interior wall paint II AAA "Handy Plans" trie with plywood or mosonite order. IYAHK0: LUMBER SUPPLY (0. ECONOMY CEH1B 622 Brookhaven Dr. 70 E. COLONIAL CH 1-4431 0 F'e..

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.