Which Of The Following Was A Cultural Motive For Imperialism?The U.S. Needed To Gain Overseas Markets (2024)

History High School


Answer 1


American imperialism” is a term that refers to the economic, military, and cultural influence of the United States on other countries. First popularized during the presidency of James K. Polk, the concept of an “American Empire” was made a reality throughout the latter half of the 1800s. During this time, industrialization caused American businessmen to seek new international markets in which to sell their goods. In addition, the increasing influence of social Darwinism led to the belief that the United States was inherently responsible for bringing concepts such as industry, democracy, and Christianity to less developed “savage” societies. The combination of these attitudes and other factors led the United States toward imperialism.


“Ten Thousand Miles from Tip to Tip”: “Ten Thousand Miles from Tip to Tip,” refers to the extension of U.S. domination (symbolized by a bald eagle) from Puerto Rico to the Philippines. The cartoon contrasts the 1898 representation with that of the United States in 1798.

American imperialism is partly rooted in American exceptionalism, the idea that the United States is different from other countries due to its specific world mission to spread liberty and democracy. This theory often is traced back to the words of 1800s French observer Alexis de Tocqueville, who concluded that the United States was a unique nation, “proceeding along a path to which no limit can be perceived.”

Pinpointing the actual beginning of American imperialism is difficult. Some historians suggest that it began with the writing of the Constitution; historian Donald W. Meinig argues that the imperial behavior of the United States dates back to at least the Louisiana Purchase. He describes this event as an, “aggressive encroachment of one people upon the territory of another, resulting in the subjugation of that people to alien rule.” Here, he is referring to the U.S. policies toward Native Americans, which he said were, “designed to remold them into a people more Appropriately

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What did New Englanders do to prepare for a potential war with Great Britain?



The war was the result of British interference in American trade and the impressment of American sailors into the British navy. The New England states, particularly Massachusetts, strongly opposed the War of 1812 because they felt it was unnecessary and worried it would negatively impact New England's economy.

hope this helps!!:)


9. Where was the Wright brothers' first successful test flight? *
O A. Cat and Hawk
B. Kitten hawk
C. Kitty Hawk
O D. Kansas City, Kansas





I I remember it being said something like kitty hawk




The wrights bros first flew in Kittty Hawk, North Carolina. Give me Brainliest PLS!! Thanks! Have a great day!

What is one reason why western Oklahoma has a different climate than eastern Oklahoma?
There are large differences in the richness of soil between the western and eastern parts of the state.
There are large differences in elevation between the western and eastern parts of the state.
There are large differences in population between the western and eastern parts of the state.
There are large differences in animal ecosystems between the western and eastern parts of the state.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






It should be answer B. This is because a differnece in soil would not affect the climate. Population and animal ecosystems are also not a factor in climate. Differnces in elevation can affect the climate because air temperature differs the higher you are off the ground (to put it simply). I hope this made sense/helps! :)


B.) There are large differences in elevation between the western and eastern parts of the state.

Describe at least 2 examples of how the Industrial Revolution has impacted you to this day.


The industrial revolution has impacted us to this day as in this period many jobs where created leading to a larger working class. Inventions where also being created to make life easier and we use some of these inventions to this day

what do all the pioneer trails shown on the map share in common ?



They pass through several large cities.



1. What did the colonists mean by 'No taxation without representation'?
A. The colonists wanted to see their leaders represented on stamps that were being taxed.
B. The colonists should not have to pay taxes because they were a minority in terms of the British population.
C. It was unfair to tax the colonists since they were not represented in the British Parliament.
D. They were okay with being taxed as long as they could represent themselves in court.



C. It was unfair to tax the colonists since they were not represented in the British Parliament.


The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government's policies. The term has its origin in a slogan of the American colonials against their British rulers: "Taxation without representation is tyranny."1

Identify whether the following features belong to the Tang Dynasty or the Song Dynasty

Completed the grand canal project started by the sui dynasty

boasted a strong and competent military force

Conquered by the mongol after facing threats from nomadic groups

Political corruption contributed to its downfall


Answer: aye whats good wit you bro the answer is

Tang dynasty - completed the Grand Canal project started by the Sui dynasty

Tang dynasty - boasted a strong and competent military force

Song dynasty - political corruption contributed to its downfall

Song dynasty - conquered by the Mongols after facing threats from nomadic



I got the sauce

The Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties are frequently referred to as China's "medieval" era by academics.

What were the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty ?

The Chinese Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties produced some of the most highly developed civilizations ever known.

The Song dynasty (960–1279 AD) is viewed as relatively weaker but nonetheless rich, in contrast to the Tang dynasty (618–907 AD), which is often regarded as the Chinese culture's golden age.

Only those elite families shared political power with the emperor before and during the Tang dynasty, and the aristocratic families even had the power to depose the emperor. The aristocratic families declined during the Song dynasty, and the emperor controlled all of the political power.

Hence :

The Tang dynasty finished the Grand Canal project that the Sui dynasty had begun.

The Tang dynasty had a capable and powerful military.

Political corruption contributed to the end of the Song dynasty.

Following attacks from nomadic people, the Mongols overthrew the Song monarchy.

Learn more about Tang and Song dynasty here


# SPJ 5

What was the primary reason the exodusters left the South?
F To escape drought conditions
G To reunite with family members
H To find employment in U.S. wartime industries
j To escape oppression and discrimination


Answer: j


What is the significance of the angles and curves on the building above?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the picture of the building. Without it, there is no way we can know what you are talking about.

However, trying to offer some help we did some deep research and found a large gray building made on concrete with angles and curves in its forms. If that is the case, then we can say that the significance of the angles and curves on the building above is that they recall the Sanskrit letter forms.

These types of buildings represent the modern architecture in places like India and Nepal. After the Independence of India in 1947, architecture was off of the arts that modernized, Indeed, modern art is very important in that nation.

The postmodernist architecture allows the development of innovative designs that include angles, curves, and other geometrical forms not included in traditional forms of architecture.


The significance of the angles and curves on the building above is to signify the architectural references of India and Nepal.


How did military campaigns change China during the reign of Qianlong (1735–96)? The campaigns gave the Qing dynasty direct control over Japan. The campaigns gave the Qing dynasty direct control over Japan. , , Chinese forces secured the northwestern border against invasions by Mongols and Turks.Chinese forces secured the northwestern border against invasions by Mongols and Turks. , , China expanded its territory by gaining control over Tibet.China expanded its territory by gaining control over Tibet. , , The campaigns gave the military so much power that they directly ruled most towns.



Chinese forces secured the northwestern border against invasions by Mongols and Turks.


Qianlong was the 4th emperor of the Qing dynasty ruled China for six-decade reign. Emperor Qianlong carried a range of military attacks that defeated the Turk and Mongol in northeastern China border. He expanded his empire by founding the New Province (Xinjiang) and strengthened authority in the south and east.

Put these event in chronological order. (Put the earliest event first.)

1. Atomic bomb dropped on Japan
2. The Munich Conference
3. Pearl Harbor
4. Allied invasion of North Africa
5. Communist takeover on Russia
6. D-day
7. Battle of the Buldge
8. The "phony war"
9. Nazi invasion of Poland
10. The Battle of Britain














It jsut history man but I’m not sure between 3,4,5 but it should be accurate

What did the Spanish create in North America to protect its colonies from other Europeans?
a hacienda
a buffer zone
a mission
a ranch



B. A buffer zone.


A superimposed boundary can be defined as the boundary imposed on a geographical region or area by a colonizing, conquering or an external power and as a result of this, the preexisting cultural organizations and patterns are completely ignored

In the early nineteenth-century, the Spanish create a buffer zone and borderlands in North America to protect its colonies from other Europeans. Therefore, this buffer zone and borderlands prevented illegal immigrants and infiltration by the British empire.

Do you believe that all individuals have the same ability to reach their dreams?


yes ! everyone can achieve their dreams if they work hard and put their mind to it. some give up or have the worst luck when achieving their dream but most of the time people get to their goal because they had potential and were dedicated !
hope this helped !! c:


All they want to know is, Do you believe that all individuals have the same ability to reah their dreams. its a yes or no question. say yes if you believe and no if you don't then explain why


how did the Persian empire leave a legacy?


Answer:after 200 years of rule the Persian empire fell to Alexander the Great

Most people in Japan live ____ because most of the land is _______

a. in the city, mountainous

b. along the beach, too crowded ​





Japan's population is over 126m, 75% of whom live in urban areas like Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Osaka and Nagoya. With such densely populated cities, space is precious and land prices extremely high.

when Palamedes goes to persuade Odysseus to fight the Trojans, Odysseus pretends to be

A. dead

B. Crazy




B. Crazy


When Palamedes goes to persuade Odysseus to fight the Trojans, Odysseus pretends to be CRAZY.

This is evident in the fact Palamedes set up a test for Odysseus to know whether he was really crazy. He did this by placing Telemachus in front of Odysseus' plough. It was at this point his pretense was exposed.

Odysseus eventually revealed that his pretense to be crazy was based on what the oracle said, that if he went to Troy he would not come back for 20 years

Udging from both the map and the quotation on this page, why was Mecca a trade center for the Arabian Peninsula?



Because Mecca is in a strategic geographical location, in the middle of the West Coast of the Arab Peninsula, which has been a trading area since antiquity.

This is because the populations of the Arab Peninsula were nomadic and semi-nomadic until a few centuries ago, due to the harsh desert climate, and the lack of fertile to soil to make sedentary life possible.

In Mecca, several trade routes met, not only from the Arabian Peninsula, but also from East Africa, which were connected to the Peninsula either through the Sinai or through the Red Sea.

What resource helped promote the economic growth of the Southern colonies? Corn Fish Lumber Tobacco


The correct answer is D) Tobacco.

The resource that helped promote the economic growth of the Southern colonies was tobacco.

To put it in simple terms, Tobacco was the king of crops in the Jamestown, Virginia colony that was founded in 1607.

John Rolfe had brought some tobacco seeds from the Caribbean Islands of Trinidad y Tobago, and seed them in the fertile lands of Virginia. This resulted in a major success. This tobacco leaf was grayer and tasted bitter than the European tobacco.

So this American tobacco was exported to the European markets that seemed to demand more.

Answer: tobacco


Theodore Judah was an engineer who
O built the first railroad in the United States.
O owned and ran a large shipping company.
O began the Union Pacific Railroad.
O helped start the Central Pacific Railroad.



Built the first railroad


was a central figure in the original promotion, establishment, and design of the First Transcontinental Railroad. He found investors for what became the Central Pacific Railroad.

Theodore Judah was an engineer who built the first railroad in the United States. Thus the correct option is A.

Who was Theodore Judah?

A renowned civil engineer named Theodore Judah dreamt about constructing a train that would go across the entire continent. In order to choose the optimum configuration for the railroad over the Sierra Nevada, he was responsible for a large portion of the route survey work.

Building a Canadian pacific railway across the US was Theodore Judah's adventurous dream. He put forth a great deal of effort to map out a railroad path that would connect California to the rest of the nation.

Transportation is significantly influenced by railroad growth. It facilitates the swift movement of people and goods from one place to another and increases trade in the nation.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Theodore Judah, here:



In which ways did Romans show their faith to their gods? (mark all that are true) Offering jewelry None of the above are true Building temples Sacrificing animals



Offering jewelry

Building temples

Sacrificing animals


All the three actions above were ways in which Romas showed their faith to their gods.

Roman religion was very diverse because it was polytheistic: it had many gods. Some gods were more worshipped than others in specific areas, while others were more worshipped in other areas. Roman religion also took many elements from the religons of the conquered people, especially those of the Ancient Greek. In fact, Roman Religion is often considered to be an offshoot of Ancient Greek religion.


Offering jewelry

Building temples

Sacrificing animals

What are some differences between the British
and American colonists?



Role of presidency



Role of Presidency -

The role that government compete within the yank colonies was a lot of smaller than in UK itself. A rallying demand yank independence was “no taxation while not representation!” Well, guess what? The folks back point UK had illustration, all right, so that they were taxed on a large type of things, though revenue enhancement wouldn’t arise till when 1800. On the opposite hand, taxes within the yank colonies were nearly nonexistent. However, levels of presidency services weren't correspondingly higher in UK, as most tax cash went into subsidising businesses like the archipelago Company and into fighting Britain’s wars.

Economy -

The yank colonies were far better off economically in 1770 than nice UK was. while not taxation and with the good thing about trade among the Brobdingnagian geographic region, the North yank colonies had the very best per capital commonplace of living within the world. However, the downside to trade was that they were unbroken in an exceedingly mostly rural economy, as their operate within the Empire was to produce raw materials to Britain’s newly-formed trade. As a result, by 1800, UK was way previous the new U.S. in trade, which trade lead was what created independence therefore discouraging for the colonists.

Differences Between Great Britain and the Colonies
Over the course of most of the eighteenth century, a distinctive culture began to emerge in America. Farmers, workers and artisans lived in remote areas and had little contact with government. American thinking, in the hands of intellectuals, developed around concepts of personal freedom and human rights based on British traditions such as the Magna Carta, as well as the beginnings of democracy in ancient Athens and the much-admired Roman Republic.
Lifestyle and philosophical thinking, however, in themselves would not be enough to light the fires of rebellion. Americans learn in school that a series of taxes, and the way the British imposed them, took care of that. In truth, a great deal of economic friction between the two sides predated the tax controversies by at least fifty years. Both sides wanted to run commerce in their own way, especially trade in sugar, and in that intoxicating product of sugar, rum. The rum and sugar trade brought the institution of slavery in its wake, which would later bring the United States its greatest crisis.

Which of the following statements is true about Jesus of Nazareth?

A) He encouraged Jews to reject Roman rule.
B) He asked Paul to rebel against the Romans.
C) He questioned the teachings of the Jewish prophets.
D) His teachings were based in Jewish tradition.



D. His teachings were based in Jewish tradition

The statement is true about Jesus of Nazareth His teachings were based in Jewish tradition.Thus the correct option is D.

What is Jesus of Nazareth?

Jesus was the Christianity's fundamental characterregarded as the Promised Messiah and the Son of God. Jesus was a Jewish preacher who worked for three years Prior to being sentenced to death and killed by hanging before being raised from the dead.

Jesus represented the Messiah, a Jewish idea, to Christians, whose arrival had been promised in Jewish literature for many years. Jesus completes Jewish history.

In order for ignorance to triumph over knowledge, Jews have been forced to suffer as a result of the mental violence perpetrated by ignorance, which has caused it to become the dominant force in society.

Therefore, option D His teachings were based on Jewish tradition is appropriate.

learn more about Jesus of Nazareth, here:



How did the Industrial Revolution change the environment? ​


The world saw a major increase in population, which, along with an increase in living standards, led to the depletion of natural resources. The use of chemicals and fuel in factories resulted in increased air and water pollution and an increased use of fossil fuels.

What was the 18th Century European movement in which thinkers attempted to
apply the principles of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of society?


the Enlightenment was the 18th century movement

The reason why the Schlieffen Plan was not successful is because the Germans...
lost the Battle of the Somme.
lost the Battle of Verdun.
lost the Battle of the Marne.
lost the Battle of Tannenburg.





because because the battle of Marne was a major turning point in WW1

When was Santa Anna captured?



Santa Anna was captured on April 21, 1836.


April 21, 1836


They captured Santa Anna and she willingly signed an order calling for all Mexican troops to withdraw. Texas became an independent republic.

please answer 100 points
How did most Americans/European
settlers react to the process of removing Native tribes from their land?



When the Europeans first came to America, they did not know how to interact with the various Native American groups that were spread out all over the United States, and the Native Americans also did not know how to respond to the new settlers trying to take over their land. The different responses from each tribe really reflected what their leader was focused on for bettering their tribe.

Native Americans were also vulnerable during the colonial era because they had never been exposed to European diseases, like smallpox, so they didn’t have any immunity to the disease, as some Europeans did. European settlers brought these new diseases with them when they settled, and the illnesses decimated the Native Americans

Though some Native American tribes lived for centuries in the American West, as the white man pushed westward, always wanting more land and resources, they pushed the American Indians out of their way, further populating the West with various tribes. When European settlers arrived on the North American continent at the end of the 15th century, they encountered diverse Native American cultures

Removing Native Americans from their Land. Ohio land cessions. In 1786, the United States established its first Native American reservation and approached each tribe as an independent nation. This policy remained intact for more than one hundred years.

Answer: did I not give u this one


Which statement best completes the diagram



the answer is a


hope that helps

which of the following theories was a major change in how astronomers viewed the orbiting of the planets? geocentric theory heliocentric theory light as waves of particles analytic geometry


Answer: light waves or particles

How were the new class of Africans affected by being taught in Western colonial schools?



Today's schools are mandatory for all children up to a certain age. ... Schools in colonial times were none of these things. Schools in those times were typically provided by churches rather than by governments. Schooling was almost exclusively a male privilege as girls were not expected to do much learning.


Often, the implementation of a new education system leaves those who are colonized with a limited sense of their past. ... Not only does colonial education eventually create a desire to disassociate with native heritage, but it affects the individual and the sense of self-confidence.

Which Of The Following Was A Cultural Motive For Imperialism?The U.S. Needed To Gain Overseas Markets (2024)


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