Access Control Guide — Matter SDK documentation (nRF Connect SDK) (2024)

All Interaction Model operations in Matter must be verified by the the AccessControl mechanism.

Whenever a client device and a server device want to interact with one anotherby reading (or subscribing) attributes or events, writing attributes, orinvoking commands, the Access Control mechanism must verify that the client hassufficient privileges to perform the operation on the server device.

If no sufficient privilege is obtained, the operation cannot take place and itis denied (status 0x7E Access Denied).

This guide describes how the Access Control mechanism works and how it isimplemented, and provides examples of Access Control Lists (ACLs) for differentuse cases.


The initial Administer privilege is obtained by the commissioner implicitlyover the PASE commissioning channel. This implicit Administer privilege isused to invoke commands on the server node during commissioning.

As part of commissioning, the commissioner invokes the AddNOC command,providing a CaseAdminNode argument. As well as commissioning the server nodeonto the fabric, that command automatically installs an ACL on the server nodefor Administer privilege using the provided CaseAdminNode argument as CASEsubject. The subject may be a single node, or multiple nodes (by providing aCAT). These nodes become fabric administrators on that server node.

During and after commissioning, administrators manage ACLs for the fabric on theserver node by reading and writing the fabric-scoped ACL attribute of theAccess Control Cluster, which is always present on endpoint 0 on the servernode. It is these ACLs that govern which Interaction Model operations areallowed or denied on that server node, for subjects on the fabric, via CASE andgroup messaging.

Access Control Lists

Access Control Lists (ACLs) are fabric-scoped data structures with the followingfields:

  • Privilege

  • AuthMode

  • Subjects

  • Targets

Privilege field

The Privilege can be of the following types:

  • View

  • Operate

  • Manage

  • Administer

Note: An additional ProxyView privilege is not yet supported in theMatter SDK.

By default, the View privilege is required to read attributes or events, andthe Operate privilege is required to write attributes or invoke commands.

Clusters may also require stricter privileges for certain operations on certainendpoints. For example, the Access Control Cluster requires the Administerprivilege for all its operations.

If applicable, the ACL grants the privilege, and all less strict privilegessubsumed by it. Therefore an ACL for Manage privilege will work for operationswhich require Operate or View privilege (but not Administer privilege).

AuthMode field

The AuthMode, that is authentication modes, can be as follow:

  • CASE

  • Group

The ACL applies only to subjects using that authentication mode.

Subjects field

The Subjects field is a list containing zero, one, or more subjectidentifiers, which are:

  • Node ID for CASE AuthMode

  • Group ID for Group AuthMode

A CASE subject may be a CAT, which has its own tag and version mechanism.

The ACL applies only to the listed subjects; if no subjects are listed, the ACLapplies to any subjects using the authentication mode.

Targets field

The Targets field is a list containing zero, one, or more structured entrieswith fields:

  • Cluster

  • Endpoint

  • DeviceType

All fields are nullable, but at least one must be present, and the endpoint anddevice type fields are mutually exclusive (only one of those two may bepresent):

  • If cluster is present, the ACL is targeted to just that cluster.

  • If endpoint is present, the ACL is targeted to just that endpoint.

  • If device type is present, the ACL is targeted to just endpoints whichcontain that device type (as reported by the Descriptor Cluster).

Note: Specifying device type in targets is not yet supported in the MatterSDK.

The ACL applies only to the listed targets; if no targets are listed, the ACLapplies to any targets on the server node.

Limitations and Restrictions

The Matter Specification states that a Matter implementation must support atleast:

  • 3 ACLs per fabric

  • 4 subjects per ACL

  • 3 targets per ACL

There is no guarantee that an implementation supports any more than thoseminimums.

In the Matter SDK, using the example access control implementation, these valuescan be configured globally in CHIPConfig.h or per-app inCHIPProjectAppConfig.h by setting:




Case Studies

This section provides use case examples for different ACL scenarios.

Single Administrator

A single controller commissions a server node, providing its own CASE node IDfor the automatically installed ACL:

  • Privilege: Administer

  • AuthMode: CASE

  • Subjects: 112233

  • Targets: (all)

The controller will be able to perform all Interaction Model operations on theserver node, since it is the administrator.

Multiple Administrators

The commissioner provides a CAT for the automatically installed ACL:

  • Privilege: Administer

  • AuthMode: CASE

  • Subjects: 0xFFFFFFFD00010001

  • Targets: (all)

All controllers which have the CAT as part of their CASE credentials will beadministrators for the server node.

Client Controllers

The commissioner installs an ACL for non-administrative controllers:

  • Privilege: View

  • AuthMode: CASE

  • Subjects: 4444, 5555, 6666

  • Targets: (all)

The non-administrative controllers are granted View privilege for the entireserver node. This doesn’t mean they can view the entire server node, as someclusters may require stricter privileges for reading attributes or events.

Group Messaging

The commissioner installs an ACL for group messaging:

  • Privilege: Operate

  • AuthMode: Group

  • Subjects: 123, 456

  • Targets: {cluster:onoff}, {endpoint:1},{cluster:levelcontrol,endpoint:2}

Members of groups 123 and 456 are granted Operate privilege for the on/offcluster on any endpoint, any cluster on endpoint 1, and the level controlcluster on endpoint 2.

Managing ACLs using CHIP-Tool


The following sections describe the requirements for managing ACLs using theCHIP-Tool.

Entire List

The Access Control Cluster’s ACL attribute is a list.

Note: Currently, list operations for single entries (append, update,delete) are not yet supported in the Matter SDK, so the entire list must bewritten to the attribute to change any ACL.

The write operation may employ multiple messages, making it unreliable. In anycase, ACLs are updated as they are processed, and take effect immediately.

The implication of this is that the administrator must ensure the first ACL inthe list it is writing to the ACL attribute is one granting itselfAdminister privilege. Otherwise, the administrator may lose its administrativeaccess during the write operation.

Null Fields

The tool requires all fields to be provided, even if null.

Incorrect: {"cluster": 6}

Correct: {"cluster": 6, "endpoint": null, "deviceType": null}

Fabric Index

The ACL attribute is fabric-scoped, so each ACL has a fabric index.

The tool requires this field to be provided, but ignores it when performing theactual write.

When reading ACLs, the proper fabric index is shown.

Enums Identifiers

The tool requires numerical values for enums and identifiers.

  • Privilege values:

    • View: 1

    • Operate: 3

    • Manage: 4

    • Administer: 5

  • AuthMode values:

    • CASE: 2

    • Group: 3

  • Values for some typical clusters:

    • On/Off: 6

    • Level Control: 8

    • Descriptor: 29

    • Binding: 30

    • Access Control: 31

    • Basic: 40


This section provides examples of commands and ACL output for differentoperations with the CHIP-Tool.

Verification of the Automatically Installed ACL

During commissioning with the CHIP-Tool, an ACL that assigns Administer rightsto the commissioner is automatically installed on the commissionee. This can beverified using the following command:

out/debug/standalone/chip-tool accesscontrol read acl 1 0

Assuming the CaseAdminNode value is 112233, the ACL command output for thiscase is the following:

Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 2578401031 ACL: 1 entries [1]: { FabricIndex: 1 Privilege: 5 AuthMode: 2 Subjects: 1 entries [1]: 112233 Targets: null }

Installing a CASE ACL

The following command example requests the installation of a CASE ACL through awrite interaction:

out/debug/standalone/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 0, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 0, "privilege": 1, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [4444, 5555, 6666], "targets": null}]' 1 0

The resulting ACL command output for this case can look like the following one:

Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 2578401034 ACL: 2 entries [1]: { FabricIndex: 1 Privilege: 5 AuthMode: 2 Subjects: 1 entries [1]: 112233 Targets: null } [2]: { FabricIndex: 1 Privilege: 1 AuthMode: 2 Subjects: 3 entries [1]: 4444 [2]: 5555 [3]: 6666 Targets: null }

Installing a Group ACL

The following command example requests the installation of a Group ACL through awrite interaction:

out/debug/standalone/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 0, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 0, "privilege": 1, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [4444, 5555, 6666], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 0, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 3, "subjects": [123, 456], "targets": [{"cluster": 6, "endpoint": null, "deviceType": null}, {"cluster": null, "endpoint": 1, "deviceType": null}, {"cluster": 8, "endpoint": 2, "deviceType": null}]}]' 1 0

The resulting ACL command output for this case can look like the following one:

Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_001F Attribute 0x0000_0000DataVersion: 2578401041 ACL: 3 entries [1]: { FabricIndex: 1 Privilege: 5 AuthMode: 2 Subjects: 1 entries [1]: 112233 Targets: null } [2]: { FabricIndex: 1 Privilege: 1 AuthMode: 2 Subjects: 3 entries [1]: 4444 [2]: 5555 [3]: 6666 Targets: null } [3]: { FabricIndex: 1 Privilege: 3 AuthMode: 3 Subjects: 2 entries [1]: 123 [2]: 456 Targets: 3 entries [1]: { Cluster: 6 Endpoint: null DeviceType: null } [2]: { Cluster: null Endpoint: 1 DeviceType: null } [3]: { Cluster: 8 Endpoint: 2 DeviceType: null } }

Managing ACLs Using Chip-repl


This section provides examples of commands and ACL output for differentoperations with the CHIP-repl.

Entire List

See the important notes in theManaging ACLs using CHIP-Tool section, as theyalso apply to the CHIP-repl.

Null Fields

Null fields may be omitted.

This means that the following entry is acceptable:Target(cluster=6, endpoint=Null, deviceType=Null). Just as the following one:Target(cluster=6).

The above assumes Target and Null are defined at global scope, which is notnormally the case.

Fabric Index

The ACL attribute is fabric-scoped, so each ACL has a fabric index.

The CHIP-repl ignores it when performing the actual write. Because null fieldscan be omitted, simply do not provide it when writing ACLs.

When reading ACLs, the proper fabric index is shown.

Enums and Identifiers

The CHIP-repl accepts numerical values for enums and identifiers, but it alsoaccepts strongly typed values:

The privileges are:

  • Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kView

  • Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kOperate

  • Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kManage

  • Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kAdminister

The authentication modes are:

  • Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum.kCASE

  • Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum.kGroup

Some typical clusters:








This section provides examples of commands and ACL output for differentoperations with the CHIP-repl.

Automatically Installed ACL

After commissioning with chip-repl, assuming CaseAdminNode is 1, theautomatically installed ACL is:

await devCtrl.ReadAttribute(1, [ (0, Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl ) ] )
{│ 0: {│ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Objects.AccessControl'>: {│ │ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Attribute.DataVersion'>: 556798280,│ │ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Objects.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl'>: [│ │ │ │ AccessControlEntry(│ │ │ │ │ fabricIndex=1,│ │ │ │ │ privilege=<Privilege.kAdminister: 5>,│ │ │ │ │ authMode=<AuthMode.kCase: 2>,│ │ │ │ │ subjects=[│ │ │ │ │ │ 1│ │ │ │ │ ],│ │ │ │ │ targets=Null│ │ │ │ )│ │ │ ]│ │ }│ }}

Installing a CASE ACL

await devCtrl.WriteAttribute(1, [ (0, Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl( [ Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct( privilege = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kAdminister, authMode = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum.kCase, subjects = [ 1 ] ), Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct( privilege = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kView, authMode = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum.kCase, subjects = [ 4444, 5555, 6666 ], ),] ) ) ] )
{│ 0: {│ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Objects.AccessControl'>: {│ │ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Attribute.DataVersion'>: 556798289,│ │ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Objects.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl'>: [│ │ │ │ AccessControlEntry(│ │ │ │ │ fabricIndex=1,│ │ │ │ │ privilege=<Privilege.kAdminister: 5>,│ │ │ │ │ authMode=<AuthMode.kCase: 2>,│ │ │ │ │ subjects=[│ │ │ │ │ │ 1│ │ │ │ │ ],│ │ │ │ │ targets=Null│ │ │ │ ),│ │ │ │ AccessControlEntry(│ │ │ │ │ fabricIndex=1,│ │ │ │ │ privilege=<Privilege.kView: 1>,│ │ │ │ │ authMode=<AuthMode.kCase: 2>,│ │ │ │ │ subjects=[│ │ │ │ │ │ 4444,│ │ │ │ │ │ 5555,│ │ │ │ │ │ 6666│ │ │ │ │ ],│ │ │ │ │ targets=Null│ │ │ │ )│ │ │ ]│ │ }│ }}

Installing a Group ACL

await devCtrl.WriteAttribute(1, [ (0, Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl( [ Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct( privilege = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kAdminister, authMode = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum.kCase, subjects = [ 1 ] ), Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct( privilege = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kView, authMode = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum.kCase, subjects = [ 4444, 5555, 6666 ], ), Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlEntryStruct( privilege = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum.kOperate, authMode = Clusters.AccessControl.Enums.AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum.kGroup, subjects = [ 123, 456 ], targets = [ Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlTargetStruct( cluster =, ), Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlTargetStruct( endpoint = 1, ), Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessControlTargetStruct( cluster =, endpoint = 2, ), ] ),] ) ) ] )
{│ 0: {│ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Objects.AccessControl'>: {│ │ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Attribute.DataVersion'>: 556798301,│ │ │ <class 'chip.clusters.Objects.AccessControl.Attributes.Acl'>: [│ │ │ │ AccessControlEntry(│ │ │ │ │ fabricIndex=1,│ │ │ │ │ privilege=<Privilege.kAdminister: 5>,│ │ │ │ │ authMode=<AuthMode.kCase: 2>,│ │ │ │ │ subjects=[│ │ │ │ │ │ 1│ │ │ │ │ ],│ │ │ │ │ targets=Null│ │ │ │ ),│ │ │ │ AccessControlEntry(│ │ │ │ │ fabricIndex=1,│ │ │ │ │ privilege=<Privilege.kView: 1>,│ │ │ │ │ authMode=<AuthMode.kCase: 2>,│ │ │ │ │ subjects=[│ │ │ │ │ │ 4444,│ │ │ │ │ │ 5555,│ │ │ │ │ │ 6666│ │ │ │ │ ],│ │ │ │ │ targets=Null│ │ │ │ ),│ │ │ │ AccessControlEntry(│ │ │ │ │ fabricIndex=1,│ │ │ │ │ privilege=<Privilege.kOperate: 3>,│ │ │ │ │ authMode=<AuthMode.kGroup: 3>,│ │ │ │ │ subjects=[│ │ │ │ │ │ 123,│ │ │ │ │ │ 456│ │ │ │ │ ],│ │ │ │ │ targets=[│ │ │ │ │ │ Target(│ │ │ │ │ │ │ cluster=6,│ │ │ │ │ │ │ endpoint=Null,│ │ │ │ │ │ │ deviceType=Null│ │ │ │ │ │ ),│ │ │ │ │ │ Target(│ │ │ │ │ │ │ cluster=Null,│ │ │ │ │ │ │ endpoint=1,│ │ │ │ │ │ │ deviceType=Null│ │ │ │ │ │ ),│ │ │ │ │ │ Target(│ │ │ │ │ │ │ cluster=8,│ │ │ │ │ │ │ endpoint=2,│ │ │ │ │ │ │ deviceType=Null│ │ │ │ │ │ )│ │ │ │ │ ]│ │ │ │ )│ │ │ ]│ │ }│ }}
Access Control Guide — Matter SDK documentation (nRF Connect SDK) (2024)


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